Jelly candies made of bubble film - easy!


Jelly candies made of bubble film - easy!

We all love jelly candy. Cooking them incredibly easy, and the taste can be enjoyed infinitely. But did you know that jelly sweets can be done using a bubble film?

You will need:

  • bubble wrap
  • glass of water
  • Jelly with different tastes
  • syringe

Cooking process:

Pour a glass of water in a pan.

Jelly candies made of bubble film - easy!

Add jelly powder with a selected taste.

Jelly candies made of bubble film - easy!


Jelly candies made of bubble film - easy!

We take a film, preferably with big bubbles.

Jelly candies made of bubble film - easy!

With the help of a syringe fill each bubble.

Jelly candies made of bubble film - easy!

We wait...

Jelly candies made of bubble film - easy!

And now just get our candies from the film. Needle to help!

Jelly candies made of bubble film - easy!
YouTube / Morena DIY

Enjoy the taste!

Jelly candies made of bubble film - easy!


An interesting idea, but actually make such candy in ordinary silicone molds a little more convenient. However, if they were suddenly not at hand, the film to help you!

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