15 ideas for the place where women are prohibited



If you are a man and you have a garage or another quiet place where you can make something to make or play in the prefix, you are already lucky. But this secret corner can be improved so that you will not recognize it yourself.

Here are the coolest ways to make almost any men's lair truly comfortable.

Stored fishing rods beautiful



With such a device, not only the garage or storage room will be better to look, but the rods will serve longer.


But another excellent way to store spinning or, for example, garden tools. To work out, you will need only trimming plastic pipes and boards.

And the tools are convenient

The simplest thing is to buy a magnetic storage bar for storing kitchen knives and use it for screwdrivers and passage.


The plugs will take a lot of space and will always be at hand if you build such a wall stand for them.


And for drills and other hand tools, you can make this shelf here.


Another way is to fix the so-called strapping on the wall (a bulletin with perforation, intended just for such purposes) with suitable hooks.

The next step is not to discharge the phone


There are no way to get involved in the wires, and you probably know about many. I like it, for example, this one - using pockets from old jeans as convenient covers for gadgets.

For small details


It is so very convenient to store nails, bolts, nuts.

Scotch with tape - here


On this board, the roulette and scissors, and a hammer, and a lot more.


Such a scotch dispenser and the tape make yourself quite simple.

And the bike will also fit!


The jacket either would not hurt somewhere to attach somewhere


And backpack. These hooks, first, will definitely be in the subject. And secondly, for sure they will make the random guests ask how to be, so that the keys bent so bend.

One hundred in one


Oddly enough, the best solution for any workshop is kitchen furniture. So you will definitely be enough space for everything you need. And nothing will be lost!

Worked - you can relax


It is not necessary to drag into the garage and even more so in the Cabinet a huge table - to build a similar built-in ice bucket (for beer!) It is possible in a more compact version.


Why not organize your own minibar? A good option is a narrow wall drawer with a folding lid. It is clear that everything in the most needed place here is there.

Now it remains to put a comfortable chair in the midst of this magnificence ... and try not to forget that in the real world behind the wall there is still a lot of interesting things.

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