10 ideas from fashionable blogger


10 ideas from fashionable blogger

Hey! My name is Sasha Sanochka and I lead the Blog "The Second Street" dedicated to stylish and creative alterations of clothing. Every day I publish 5 new materials on this topic.

I did not personally have done all these alterations without exception. But for almost two years every day, I get up at 5 am to find (to work) 5 fresh and interesting ideas on the alteration of clothes from the old in the stylish, translate them, process all the photos by making them in the same style, write a post and publish it . In two years they have accumulated exactly 3000.

Every day, about 4,000 sites are looking for in the reader in the reader, and only a third of their materials belongs to handmade or fashion - I find the rest of the ideas in a secular chronicle, stamen com, films, clips, and even Forbes magazines sometimes. Just want to collect all this in one place.

I would like to show you at least a few of the 3000 ideas on the site accumulated in 2 years:

I decided to choose Only on 5 ideas of each of the popular models of clothing over the last month, Because choose from 3000 equally interesting - difficult). And they tried to choose those that can be shown here, without saying a bunch of photos with master - classes

So let's go:

5 ideas alterations T-shirts

1. Alteration of vests:

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 1.

I adore alterations of Telnyashki). It's nowhere to go: a vest + basin with paint for dipping. It is unrealously cool looks).

2. Play with T-shirt texture:

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 2.

A long cotton t-shirt can be cut - cutting the mugs, after which it is crafted on a large temperature - cuts will be twisted and will not "crawl" (just do not press the typewriter!). Wearing a dress or leggings and a shirt.

3. How to mark the guy:

Teenvogue and Erin Fetherston designer give an idea: spreading the lips of acrylic paint (Fu, nasty, yeah) - and leave the imprint without the collar of his T-shirts or shirts. After drying, it remains only to swallow the hotest Iron - and your exlebris on it forever. IMHO, on women's clothing somehow not very:

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 3.

... And for the male - the most). A cute idea for loyal and gentle beloved and hot / playful - for seamless macho).

4. Dress from shirt and t-shirts:

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 4.

What does it mean to combine beautifully)) - Close - the dress is actually a mix of shirts and t-shirts cut and stitched together.

5. T-shirt - Blinds:

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 5.

Master class on the alteration of two T-shirts in some kind of Shuttle T-shirts for $ 48 from Anthropologie - can be found on the site, it is too detailed for copying.

5 Jeans Alterations Ideas

1. Jeans from pieces:

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 6.

I think this landing would be not easy to achieve if they were actually stitched from pieces. So - most likely, these are subtle summer jeans, on which they walked coinciding the shades of the slices of other summer and thin. And then cut down the bottom layer places. In my opinion, there is only a couple of places where really the main fabric to the knees from above was replaced with some kind of site to another.

2. Dress Ulyana Kim:

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 7.

Very beautiful combination of two kinds of jeans!

3. Isabel Marant Painted Jeans:

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 8.

The idea of ​​painted jeans from Isabel Marant Permanent marker in hand - and go ahead!

4. Alteration of male T-shirt and jeans:

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 9.

Listen, well, in my opinion, it's just wildly cool! Something really interesting and coarse for guys. Yes, and for girls too. I think that it is possible to decorate the belts and the bag and the back of the jacket.

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 10.

As a bonus to the picture - a little rocker way slightly increase the length of jeans or save those that wipe on the knees). Although with old, stretched and old jeans, I think it will be sorry to look.

It is better to use both ideas if he decided to tie with a career of office plankton and become finally a rock musician. For the first concerts - the most it).

3000 ideas reworking clothes from old to stylish. Image number 11.

5. Teddy bear from old jeans. Just a bear):

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