New life of old windows - restoration of wooden frames


New life of old windows - restoration of wooden frames

Sooner or later, the point occurs when the windows in our house or apartment begin to wear out, which leads to water flow during the rain, drying the sash and the appearance of cracks and chips in them. And although it seems that the output is only one - the purchase of new metal-plastic windows instead of the former, wooden, do not rush. Only a few days of unhurried work and your old wooden windows will shine with new colors and will serve you for more than one year.

So, the restoration of old wooden windows ... Despite the seeming complexity of the work, there is nothing in this process that it could not be done independently, to be patient and familiarized with the theory. And if the patience does not reward you with the patience, then the author will share knowledge now.

New life of old windows - restoration of wooden frames

First, let's decide which tools and materials we need. For the restoration of old windows, prepare: a building hairdryer, a grinding machine, a few brushes, a veil and a wood varnish, ordinary wooden strokes instead of the old, seal for windows and accessories, glass (as needed), several grinding wheels for working with wood.

Small tools, such as brushes, for sure you have in the household; If they are missing, they can be easily acquired in any construction store. This concerns the tools "more serious", such as a grinding machine and a construction hairdryer, then, given the high cost of the latter, we recommend renting them from familiar or friends.

New life of old windows - restoration of wooden frames

Works begin with disassembly of old windows. Remove the sash, unscrewing old bolts. If the bolts rustle, we help yourself with rust lubrication, but if it does not save, then a small drill on metal carefully drill the unsuitable bolts.

After the sash windows are removed, you must examine them. If they are loosened, disassemble them and, sinking with special glue, we collect back to complete drying.

Next, you need to disassemble the window, removing all the accessories from it, dismantle the strokes, holding the glass, and pull the glass. A small advice: as a rule, the strokes fail the first, rotting from moisture, so old strokes are depicted to the side; In the future, we will replace old strokes new.

After breaking the window, proceed to his stripping from the layers of old paint. To do this, the construction dryer heats the surface of the tree and the spatula is removed the preheated layer of paint. There are several nuances that need to be considered: first, the spatula must be slightly blunted, so that while working with a tree does not scratch it; Secondly, you should not keep the hairdryer over one section of the window for too long, it is fraught with damning of wood. Please note that it is possible to remove the paint and grinding circles, however, such circles will quickly scribble with the remnants of old paint, and it means that it will be faster.

New life of old windows - restoration of wooden frames

Removing most of the old paint, proceed to the grinding of wood. To do this, carefully cleaned the surface of the window from the paint and align it; Next, using first coarse, and then the shallow nozzles are grinding the window. Inaccessible areas of windows, such as angles in the joints of the joints, handle manually emery paper.

Prepare the surface of the windows, taken for the strokes. To do this, from the previously purchased posts, cut the workpiece with the length of the length and the thin drill we drill holes in them in the places of fixing nails. Do not ignore this step, without pre-drilling the holes of the strokes can crack at the time of clogging in them.

Next, go to the paintwork. Processing the vessel surface and prepared staps.

After all parts of the windows are dried, cover them with several layers of varnish, giving each layer to dry completely.

New life of old windows - restoration of wooden frames

Next, we collect all parts of the windows together and install our windows in place. In this case, you can change the sequence of actions, first collect the windows, and after covering them with varnish. In this case, the glass must be protected from the spray of varnish by paint scotch.

New life of old windows - restoration of wooden frames

As for the strokes, the option from painting them after installation on the windows is not suitable, as the strokes are covered with varnish from the inside after installation will not work.

New life of old windows - restoration of wooden frames

The main work with the restoration of windows is finished, and therefore it's time to tell a few words about their insulation.

The insulation of windows is performed in order to reduce heat loss in the apartment; In addition, the necessary insulated windows provide more tight closure and prevents the appearance of drafts in your apartment.

How to insulate windows? There are several options: insulation using a special inclusive tape either using a rubber seal inserting into specially made grooves in the "body" window.

The first case is more budget, does not require much effort in the installation plan; However, he is less durable.

As for the second option, such a insulation is certainly more reliable and durable, but more costly at cost and requires special skills and tools for installation; Installing it may not be under the man who has never occupied similar earlier.

Based on the above, we recommend using the first option, which although not so reliable and durable, but will not bring you any trouble during the installation process and protect your home from the cold for several years.

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