How to cook donuts in 15 minutes


We guarantee that you love and raise the recipe of these donuts. The cause of love is clear: crispy and rosy outside, soft and slightly drum inside, they will become an ideal satisfying breakfast. The reason for hate is no less obvious - you will eat a whole batch of these donuts,

How to cook donuts in 15 minutes


  • 155 g of flour;
  • 2 teaspoons of a baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 55 ml of milk;
  • 55 ml kefir;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 55 g of butter;
  • Fryer vegetable oil.

How to cook donuts in 15 minutes


The dough is being prepared so easy that you will have time to knead it until the oil is heated for the fryer. First of all, connect the flour with a baking powder and a pinch of salt.

How to cook donuts in 15 minutes

Separately beat the milk and kefir with sugar and melted, but slightly cooled butter. When sugar crystals dissolve, pour the liquid in dry ingredients.

How to cook donuts in 15 minutes

Mix the dough with a spatula until all components are connected together. Long mixing or aggressive beating of the dough with a wedge or mixer will lead to the fact that ready-made donuts will become rubber, so be careful.

How to cook donuts in 15 minutes

Lightly lubricate palm with vegetable oil, take approximately half the dining room with dough and roll the donut. Carefully put the dough into the heated oil and fry to pronounced golden brown color. Ready home donuts put on the napkins to absorb excess fat.

How to cook donuts in 15 minutes

Donuts made on this recipe, better serve immediately after cooking, sprinkling with sugar powder or lumbering in a mixture of sugar with cinnamon.

How to cook donuts in 15 minutes

Daria Poliverova

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