Pouring of Epoxy Resin and Tree Decorations



Now the decorations made of epoxy resin and wood become very popular. Mysterious and spectacular, they attract attention to their mistress and give a huge scope of fantasy to apply them in absolutely different styles - from romance to Bocho.

The popularity of this area gave the decorations of Britet Beckman. In 2013, German designer Britt Beckmann (Britta Boeckmann) moved from Germany to Australia and began to engage in the manufacture of handmade jewelry. At the moment, a talented girl has already managed to acquire his own jewelry studio and sells its products under the Boldb brand.

Work Britt Beckman:

Epoxy resin.

We will make decorations on the same topic, however, a little improve them - they will glow in the dark by mysterious gentle light due to special pigments.


For this lesson used:

1. Epoxy transparent resin.

2. Slices of acrylic (can cardboard, polyethylene). It is impossible to use the glass (resin has a high adhesion to the glass).

3. Glowing pigments for resin (phosphor), fluorescent pigments for giving the desired shade.

Optional stage, but in this case shows the decoration, luminous in the dark mysterious light.

4. Sections of a tree according to your taste.

5. Tools: grinding, manual milling machine Dremel.

6. Grinding pastes (can be used autopads for grinding plastics).

7. If the instructions for the resin says that the resin is mixed by weight, use electronic scales. If it is said that by volume, use the syringes.

8. A gun with a thermoclaster (for sealing our formwork). Instead, it is also possible to use wax or sculptural plasticine. Our task is to close the seams between the formwork details so that the resin does not flow.

We will not stop very detailed on the methods of pouring resin, wood processing and the intricacies of the use of phosphor pigments, this can be found in specialized articles. Here it is a way to manufacture such arbitrary forms.

So, proceed

Making opal

To begin with, we turn on the fantasy and imagine what type of decoration we want to be resin, where the tree, which should be colors and transitions. I will depict an approximate sketch.

We glue the pieces acrylic with a gun with a thermoclaster (you can also use thick cardboard, polyethylene), put it on the bottom of the tree cuts on the idea of ​​our composition, we glue their thermoclaim to the bottomwork so that they do not float in the resin.

Acrylic is used because the resin does not stick to it, as, say, to the glass, and then you can easily remove it.

Briefly focus on the main features of phosphors.

If you add simply phosphor pigments, the resin light will be a dairy-gray, without a blue shade. The shade can be given to using fluorescent (bright) pigments.

The essence of the luminophore pigment is that it "charges" in bright light and then, in the dark, glows and gives his charge (energy obtained). The stronger "charge" him in bright light, the longer it will glow in the dark.

Luminofors are with different particle size (grain). For resin, phosphors with small grain (5-15 μm) are more often used so that the smaller pigment is beautifully distributed in the resin in the form of suspension, and not donkey on the bottom, like heavier large particles.

Mixing resin.

Measure the resin by weight on electronic scales (base, then hardener). If the resin is mixed in volume, we work with syringes. In our case, the resin is mixed with 100 g of bases (component A) by 50 g of the hardener (component B) 2 to 1.

Add phosphor and fluorescent pigments (green, blue). Also, there are dopigations that combine both of these properties.

Before the fill, you can put a resin into another container with hot water (no more than 50-60 degrees.). The resin will die and bubbles will come out easier, as they will inevitably appear when mixing resin and pigments.

Mix the resin gently, slow movements in a circle, paying special attention to the walls of the dishes, a flat wooden stick, not less than 2 minutes.

Jewelry resin.

Glow of fill in the dark. Very spectacular, isn't it? :)

Please note the pigment gives a resin mightness, and it will not be absolutely transparent.

Transparent resin.

The frost time of the resin depends on the type of resin and the volume of its fill, the correctness of mixing with the hardener, the temperature indoors. Cool premises can significantly increase the polymerization time.

It is advisable to cover the casting dome to protect against the fall of dust, flying fine fur and other joys that can spoil the appearance of the casting.

After 24 hours we try the resin and, if it froze, disassemble the formwork. Resin gives shrinkage (photo) if you want to avoid this, the resin is 6-8 hours.

Master Class

Time to start doing from our beautiful barbecue decoration of that form, which is conceived.

Work in the means of individual respiratory protection, in gloves, in a well-ventilated room.

We grind the grinding the entire surface of the bar to completely align the surface.

Cut out the form at your own desire, focusing on the preliminary sketches.

Does not do without disorders (disappeared a piece of resin from one edge).

Master class resin

Using the dremel (this is a trademark of the tool, you, of course, can use other similar machines), process the edges of the blanks.

Master class resin

And here they are billets waiting for finish polishing.

Pouring of Epoxy Resin and Tree Decorations

Drilling holes in our future workpiece and glifting it (the best result will be given the use of grinders and professional sandpaste. According to the experience - the usual paste of the gay and unsuitable pastes will not give so beautiful result as professional grinding pastes for resin).

Also, if you wish, you can cover the workpiece with a special varnish.

Often the masters additionally process the tree with oils (for example, linen) and waxes to protect and improve the appearance.

It shows only the general direction of manufacturing by masters of such products, methods there are several. from

Successful creativity!

Pouring of Epoxy Resin and Tree Decorations

Pouring of Epoxy Resin and Tree Decorations

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