What does a removable designer apartment look like


We suggest you to visit the two-room apartment of Designer Denis Furmanov in Zhulebino. The apartment with a total area of ​​about 70 m2 is divided into two rooms and a spacious winter garden, which, unfortunately, is not insulated, and all winter is idle without attention.

This apartment is removable. Denis moved to it two years ago and since then it fits and decorates space.

I work from the house, and it was important for me to create atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere, and be able to invite customers here. I am an ordinary person and can not afford an expensive designer chandelier or sofa for the price of the spacecraft, but I want to live beautifully. Therefore, in its projects, I inspire a Hollywood style for which inexpensive, but spectacular decorative techniques. I am also trying to understand how budget stylistic decisions are able to satisfy the aesthetic needs and are really very expensive things for life.

Let's start our journey through the house of Denis from the bedroom. It is minimalist enough, but not devoid of details that add the room comfort. For a spring mood, bright textiles are responsible, warm light from the lamps and a wall decor, resembling the sun in the Art Deco style. Denis made it yourself from painted wooden sticks and beads purchased on the Indian Bazaar. In the future, our hero plans to go to the master class on creating headboard for beds.

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

In America, people are not tied to things and the interior as much as we do in our country. If people move to some other state, they are not carrying with them all the furniture, cost for years, and furnish their new home in accordance with the place where they now live. Chicago is one style, New York - another, Miami - the third. When I change the removable apartment, I always do my new home that does not look like the previous one.

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

From the bedroom we go to the living room, which is part-time and the cabinet, and a sleeping place for guests.

Friends and relatives come to me. They stay at me overnight, so it was important for me to equip a good bed for them. The folding sofa is rarely convenient and inexpensive at the same time, so I refused it and bought an orthopedic mattress that serves me a sofa when I get tired work at the table, and the guests are a bed.

The zoning question in the room solves the IKEA rack, in which Denis stores books, small techniques and sports inventory.

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

In the living room there are a lot of things that Denis Masteril himself: for example, a countertop. It is made of bars and pairs of supporting corners and painted in the color of ivory.

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

On the opposite side, we see the shelves on which Denis has samples of materials for projects over which it works.

I always look at how the textures are harmonized with each other in color, as they look with different lighting. Exposure of samples change depending on what project I work at the moment. I call these shelves with my wisdom.

Above the chest of dresser, we see an art object from a sample of the kitchen facade and jewelry on the neck. Denis's girlfriend inadvertently broke his necklace, and it was decided not to throw it out, but to determine the wall.

What does a removable designer apartment look like

The kitchen is perhaps the most spectacular room in the house. Denis says that at the entrance to the apartment I immediately realized that it was necessary to change something: it was embarrassed by the color of the kitchen facades, a glass table in a high-tech style and an empty white wall.

Denis dragged one of the walls into an orange color, with the help of painting tape applied the pattern in the style of shinozymes and then covered the wall of white-beige paint. After the second layer, the scotch paint was removed, and the shadows are drawn by a small tassel.

This is a budget version of the space transformation, but an unusual and interesting. All manipulations with the wall took me three days.

What does a removable designer apartment look like

To keep the kitchen even more comfortable, Denis added bright textiles and changed white dishes on the terracotta. The transparent table is now covered with a tablecloth of two types of fabrics, which Denis found on the car plant (a lot of fabric stores "scattered" there about the metro). He bought a deer on the wall in the Interiors of Maharaj.

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

The balcony is connected to the kitchen, thanks to which more sunlight penetrates into the kitchen. Along the entire perimeter, a wooden table top is made for which it is convenient and relax, and even work in daylight. Denis says that it often prefers to have breakfast here, overlooking the busy street.

What does a removable designer apartment look like
What does a removable designer apartment look like

All walls in corridors are snow-white, which allows you to use them for any wall decor. Denis hung in the hallway a small mirror in ethnic style and made shelves that serve him and a library, and a shoe. Minus one: the shoes must be carefully cleaned before putting on a wooden shelf. It is rather a summer storage option, not winter.

As you might notice, there are no wardrobes in the apartment. This is due to the fact that all things are stored on special racks and hangers in a spacious winter garden. Unfortunately, this room still requires repair, so we did not consider it in our report.

What does a removable designer apartment look like

A small bathroom is covered with a mosaic tile. We once wrote about different ways to visually enlarge the bathroom, and the tile with a small pattern is just one of the options. Walls with niches make it possible to freely arrange bath accessories on them, and so as not to create chaos from diverse tubes, Denis specially bought wicker baskets and folded everything in them.

Also in the apartment there is a separate shopping room. It is in it that is a washing machine, stored ironing board, dryer and household chemicals.

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

What does a removable designer apartment look like

Having visited the apartment at Denis, the Quarterbog was once again approved in the opinion that the main thing in a cozy and beautiful house is not the cost of filling it, but the desire of the owners make her apartment comfortable for life and pleasant to the gaze.

And the feeling of excellent everyone has his own, and the more interesting go to visit: never know which world will be before the eyes for the next door in someone's abode.

What does a removable designer apartment look like

Photos: Elena Wanianseva

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