Original food supply ideas: photo


Think only, about 40% of the success of dishes - not in its taste and set of ingredients, but in the method of its submission. Sometimes even the simplest food can turn into a culinary masterpiece, due to the unusual and original layout on the plate. To arrange a small holiday or surprise guests at the event, we offer some magnificent ideas to serve simple dishes.

Original food supply ideas: photo

Feed desserts

"Ice cream in a chocolate cup"

Original food supply ideas: photo

To make an independent chocolate cup for ice cream or any other dessert, you need to spend some time, but the result justifies the efforts.

First you need to prepare hot chocolate at home. To do this, it is necessary to melt the tile of black chocolate, add some milk and, if necessary, a pinch of gelatin. The consistency should not be liquid or too thick. When chocolate cool down a little, the most interesting part begins.

Original food supply ideas: photo

We take balloons and inflation to this size, what we want as a result to have our cups. Jump the ball half into chocolate. We post the "cups" on parchment paper, pre-pinped a little chocolate to the place where the ball will stand.

Original food supply ideas: photo

When chocolate thickens, carefully pierce the ball. Look in a glass of ice cream, decorated with fruits or grated chocolate and serve on the table.

Original food supply ideas: photo


Original food supply ideas: photo

To make such an original braid can be used both dough and ordinary thin pancakes. And the filling, depending on taste preferences and the general menu, can be both sweet and salty.

The main thing is that the dough is not too thin, and the basis for the "braid" was large in order to be able to spin it. Turn the pancake is needed enough so that it does not fall apart.

If you use raw dough, "Braided" need to put in the oven for 20-30 minutes. If you prefer a simpler way with a pancake, after all workshops, you can immediately enjoy food.

Fruit feed


Original food supply ideas: photo

To prepare such a hedgehog, you need to spend some time, but this feed will certainly please children and surprise adults.

For this you need toothpicks, pear, grapes, strawberries or other berries and olives.

Perhaps the hardest part, it is to clean half pear from the peel. Next follows a set of elementary actions. Slide grapes on the toothpicks and stick them to a pear. Instead of grapes, you can use other berries or fruits chopped by pieces, for example, apricots or canned peaches.

It is not necessary to do the nose of the hedgehog from the Maslina, it is possible to replace it with a berry of dark grapes or any other round-shaped food.

"Strawberry with cream"

Original food supply ideas: photo

Strawberry with cream may look not only romantic, but also original. For this you do not need special culinary talent or a lot of time. Just cut the top from each berry and secure both parts of the cream. For the eye, you can use sesame, seeds or pieces of the same strawberry. Do not forget some cream for a pompon on the hat.

And the ridiculous and original feeding of ordinary strawberries is ready.

"Rubik's Cube"

Original food supply ideas: photo

Another original way of feeding fruits on the table. To do this, cut the fruit with the same cubes. It may be watermelon, kiwi and feta cheese, as in the picture, or an apple, a pear, banana or melon. Slices need to lay out a cube, alternating fruit among themselves.

From above "Cube", for sophistication, you should decorate with a sprig of mint and sprinkle with sesame or sugar.

"Vasuchka with flowers"

Original food supply ideas: photo

This is perhaps the most difficult way to feed fruit, but the most impressive. For this you need toothpicks, apples and any other berries and fruits, for filling the vase.

An apple needs to be divided into two halves in such a way that the lower part is more top. We remove the middle with most, and cut out the flower from the top. To do this, you need to practice a little, but the flower may look different, it all depends on your imagination.

The flower is tapped on the toothpick and stick into a vase from the apple. Fill the vase with berries, pieces of fruit and serve on the table.

Feed snacks

"Watermelon Sandwich"

Original food supply ideas: photo

Such original snacks do very simply, despite the intricate appearance.

To do this, you need a loaf, tomato, green sweet pepper, olives, cheese, butter and lettuce leaves, latch or Beijing cabbage.

First of all, you need to cut the pepper with wide stripes, preferably by sections, and cut the flesh. Next, cut the cheese with the same strips so that their size coincides with the pepper sections. Tomato is cut by slices, and the olives crumbling on very small pieces, imitating watermelon bones. Then, lubricate a loaf of cream oil, lay out tomatoes, cheese, pepper and pieces of olives. At the end we decorate all lettuce with lettuce or other greens (parsley, Beijing cabbage, mint).

And wonderful watermelons are ready.

"Penguins from Maslin"

Original food supply ideas: photo

Maslin feed to the table can also be made original and interesting. For this you need toothpicks, feta cheese or any other taste, olives and red sweet peppers.

We make an incision on the olives along, take a bone and put a piece of cheese there. First, we stick to the toothpick the whole ollin, which will serve as a head, and down - oline with a piece of cheese. For foot and beak use either Bulgarian pepper, or pieces of sausages.

A great idea for the New Year's festive table!

Owl for Original Slicing

Original food supply ideas: photo

It is not difficult to make such an owl, you only need to cut the cheese and sausage with pieces of the desired form. And then it is only for the order of fire laying on a plate.

Original food supply ideas: photo

For the preparation of such a dish you need at least two types of cheeses that would differ in color, and one kind of sausage.


Original food supply ideas: photo

Simple and not very expensive way of feeding snacks. This requires only salty crackers, tomatoes, fused cheese, olives and greens.

First you need to decorate a plate on which snacks, parsley or dill will be served. Top of laying crackers lubricated by melted cheese. Cut tomatoes with thin slices, imitating the wings of God's cows. From a piece of olives, lay out your head and dots on the wings. A mustache can be made of parsley or dill stems.

Such feed will surely please guests.

Cheerful Food Feed for Children

"Egg Flowers"

Original food supply ideas: photo

The originality of such a feed lies in the form. This requires only the original molds that can resemble a flower or have any other outlines.

Who does not like an egg "Glazunya", can pour into the mold omelet, making a middle of a round piece of sausage.

"Fairy tale characters"

Original food supply ideas: photo

It is no secret that the original feed can get the child involuntarily there are unloved, but necessary, products. Turn the carrot into the hair, broccoli in the green ears monster, sweet pepper in the yellow sand under the palm tree, and boiled eggs in the cat's eyes ... The main thing to connect a little fantasy and not be lazy to spend time to please the child an unforgettable breakfast at the weekend. I propose a few funny ideas.

Original food supply ideas: photo

Pleasant experiments!

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