Tapenads: 2 Mediterranean Recipe


Tapenads: 2 Mediterranean Recipe

Recipe 1.

Easy to the disgrace of the appetizer of French cuisine called Tapenad is a paste from Maslin. To be accurate, it is one of the business cards of culinary provence, because the amazing olives are growing in this sunny region, the basis of any tapenad recipe. There is some oddity in this, because Tapéno is translated as "capers", and not "olives". But the share of truth is present, because capers are faithful friends olives, like anchovies, this Trinity is often found in Mediterranean dishes and is usually included in Tapenad. Black olives paste is good in itself, smeared on crisp bread, but olive tapenad can complement other dishes. The basic recipe consists of olives, black pepper, salt and olive oil, and then you can improvise at your discretion, adding garlic, basil, cilantro, or other fragrant herbs for a snack, brandy droplet, lemon juice or balsamik.


Olives, olives
1 bank of black olives
1 tsp. Capers.
2-3 twigs of fresh basil
Tapenads: 2 Mediterranean Recipe
1 clove garlic
Tapenads: 2 Mediterranean Recipe
1 tbsp. olive oil

Cold Script

Tapenads: 2 Mediterranean Recipe
1 tsp. Lemon juice
Tapenads: 2 Mediterranean Recipe
Fresh-half mixture of peppers

How to prepare tapenad from olives

Prepare ingredients: olives and capers get from brine, clean, basil wash and dry.

Traditional tapenad is prepared in a mortar, overwhelming all the ingredients to a homogeneous state. You can use a blender to get a past-shaped tapenad sauce, and you can finely chop the food with a knife, then the snack will turn out of inhomogeneous pieces, which can also be an interesting option.

I folded the maslines, capers, garlic and basil in a blender and Purred, but for a short time, in the pasta, separate small pieces are preserved. Add olive oil, lemon juice and pepper, try to salt. If capers were sufficiently salty, it is not necessary to salt additionally.

Serve tapenad, smeared on toasted toasts or fresh bread.

Recipe 2.

Tapenads: 2 Mediterranean Recipe

"Black caviar" for the poor

Something went to do now, we now have a Pousic caviar, apparently, it simply does not exist more in nature! And you do not know to black, on which goat drive - so much! Yes, it comes across now no more often than you can, say, meet on Arbat the shadow of the father of Hamlet. And if it comes across, only in order for the sight of people in people's eyes on the forehead rose ... Oh, how I loved her, as I loved! For someone, the "hormone of joy" is chocolate, and for me - black andchochka ... especially - Pousic. It is necessary to chew it longer, and the divine black-orconous post-the-coast will be saved longer in the mouth ... Seeing, how to smear the fresh white breadwinner, freshly creamy olive, and from above - black out of ice from ice ... and it is necessary that the sandbroles are small, on one or two bite, but Several ... or, even better - a pajob, a small cube, you will take a small cube on a small fork - yes under good cognac! Mmmmmmm ... no words, some memories! Actually, I do not drink brandy and do not like. That's if under black andchoch - then another thing, sometimes even with great pleasure. And now - the taste of Cognac also began to forget. Because I have nothing to eat it now ...

And here the unfamiliar word was caught by me - Tapenad.

It is clear, climbed into the search engine to, it means to expand its horizon of knowledge. And - found !!!

"Tapenad - Icra from Olives

Traditional Mediterranean cuisine recipe. As a rule, tapenad is smeared on toasts or crackers and is fed to aperitif or as escorting to the soup. Sometimes tapenad is used as a basis for the preparation of more complex toasts. Tapenad can be prepared both from Maslin and from green olives. The quality of "olive caviar" is completely dependent on the quality of the source products. Excellent harmonizes with Rose de Provence. "

For the simplest version of the Tapenad, it is necessary to take 200 g of black olives, 100 g of salted anchovy fillets, 100 g of capers, 2-3stole unrefined or conventional olive oil (quantity depends on the fatty olives and the desired ultimate product), lemon juice and black ground pepper taste; You can add garlic ... "

At first I was delighted - this is almost black caviar, only on the Mediterranean Floor! ... And then - it took up - for the Tapenad because the anchovies are needed, and for some reason I do not have them. In stores, too, did not show up ... See, the Anchovies are those, like sturgeon, out of black caviar. Or simply swim in the same place where the black caviar itself ... But - there is no chamber of hopeless provisions, but "normal heroes always go around," I came up with an alternative in the form of ... Hamsa, who very much came across my eyes shop.

Very by the way, at this very moment, in some hidden convulsion, he moved that after all, Hams and Anchovies were the same, or almost the same thing. In any case, very close relatives. Didn't that differ in a special anchovy and still - the real anchovies, even though they are not sharks, but only Maaalensky cute fish, ohhh, how bites! And this is our, native hamshot - a whole liter bucket at the price of one tiny jar of Anchovs! That's it!


Well, oh well, as they say - after the absence of the coat of arms, they write on a simple! In short, I had to relegate again!

In my version:


Bank Maslin without seeds (Omlin themselves after plugging brine turned out to be 170 g), Salty Hams - 10 fish,

2 tablespoons of capers

Ground black pepper (to taste; I looked decently - and I liked it!),

lemon juice (quite sufficient from 1/3 terrible lemon),

2 lobes garlic,

3 tablespoons of "green" olive oil.


1. We separate the fish on the fillet, which are soaked for 10-15 minutes in a cooled tower welding.



2. Join the olives and capers from the brine.


3. Layout all products in the processor and convert to a homogeneous mass, gradually adding olive oil and lemon juice. Perchym, mix - and on it - everything *!



4. We are smeared on toasts cooked from whole grain bread with seeds and bran, you can decorate the fresh cucumber and halves of Cherry tomatoes. And also they say, with fried eggplants, too, delicious. Honestly, I do not know - I have not tried. But with pancakes or blinks, it will probably, very well go, almost like with black andchka!

Enjoy your appetite, and be healthy!


* Cooked tapenad can be placed in a glass jar, pour olive oil and put in the refrigerator - it is successfully stored a couple of weeks. Although ... not practice disappears Muaaaezdo faster!

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