How to choose a bathroom faucet: Important selection criteria


how-to choose a mixer-for-bathroom

So that in the bathroom it was comfortable, it is important to pay special attention to the choice of plumbing and all components. But when buying may occur complexity, because the stores present a great many different models. And how to choose a mixer for the bathroom?

What are the mixers?

Mixers can be different, and there are several classifications. The first is the type of device and the principle of operation. Two main varieties are distinguished:

  • Valled mixers - This is the oldest and still actual appearance. Water supply is carried out by unscrewing the valve closing the water supply line. Such a mechanism is quite simple, so the installation of the mixer can be carried out without the help of a specialist. It is also easy to repair that assumes only the replacement of the seal. In addition, this type is adapted to not the highest quality water containing chlorine, particles of metals and other rigid impurities. The only minus can be considered the wear of rubber seals, but, as already noted, they are very simply changed.
  • Ball mixers More modern and have a difficult device, respectively, are complex in care. The feed and mixing of the aqueous stream is carried out using the ball installed inside, which moves from the side to the side when the lever is rotated (it is one). Thentree three holes: for hot water, for cold and for mixing. It is on them that the ball moves, changing both the pressure and temperature, ensuring the mixture of streams. Control is simple, operation is most comfortable as possible. But if the water is overly rigid, it is quite soon such a design fails, which will require complex and expensive repairs, which can only be able to carry out a professional and experienced plumbing.

How to choose a mixer for the bathroom

Second classification - on management. If earlier there were exclusively mixers with two valves (for hot and cold water), today many new species have appeared, and everyone should consider in detail:

  • Twin mixers Earlier were the only ones, and today are considered a classic, but do not go out of fashion, since, firstly, easy to operate, secondly, reliable, thirdly, fit into classic and vintage interiors. Management is carried out using two valves: for hot water and cold. Temperature adjustment is also performed using the rotation of these valves. Although rubber seals can wear out, but their replacement does not require special skills and knowledge.
  • Single-art mixers more modern. Flow flow and control are carried out by one rotating side to the side by 180 degrees lever. His vertical movement changes water pressure, and moving from one side to another provides temperature adjustment. Of course, this is convenient, but, for example, the child will not be easy to control the lever. In addition, in the event of a breakdown, expensive and complex repairs will be required.
  • Thermostatic mixers Even more modern, complex in the device, but very convenient to operate. The design assumes the presence of a thermostat, which not only specifies the defined selected water temperature, but also supports it all the time. This minimizes the risk of burns and makes use as convenient as possible. Usually, models of this type have two regulators: one is responsible for the temperature, and the other for the pressure of the aqueous stream. And both indicators will be permanent and stable, that is, independent of water pressure. This, by the way, provides not only comfort, but in some cases tangible savings. Thermostatic mixers may have mechanical control or electronic. The first implies the adjustment of the indicators using levers or valves. The electronic type provides the ability to set the exact parameters using the control panel. Perhaps the only disadvantage of such a variety can be considered only a high price, but it is quite justified.

How to choose a mixer for the bathroom

What to pay attention to when choosing?

If you have decided on a suitable type of mixer, do not forget to consider several important selection criteria:

  • Installation features . Installation can be carried out in different ways, so that there are wall-mounted mixers, fixed on board the bath, as well as embedded. The latter look stylishly, fit perfectly into modern interiors and allow to hide all communication details, such as hoses, pipes. But the installation is complex and requires a deepening in the wall. The wall mixer is fixed on the wall, its installation can be carried out independently. By minuses can be attributed to the fact that all pipes will be outside, interfere or spoil design. The mixer fixed on the bath is mounted in its board, which allows you to disguise all the communication elements under the subject of plumbing. Installation requires holes in the bath, and make it just only in acrylic (drill the cast iron is very difficult).
  • Purpose . Determine what you need a mixer. For example, if you are planning to use it exclusively in the bath, that is, for a set of water in it and during bathing, it is worth buying a model with a low standard ister. But he may be swivel, which suggests its use in the sink. If it is not required, you can choose a short fixed scold. In the mixer for the shower of the tap itself, as well as the direction of the direction of the water flow. The model assumes the presence of only shower nozzle, which is quite convenient if the application is planned in the shower. If you want to use the mixer and in the bath, and in the sink, then purchase a convenient universal model, which has a high and rather long swivel spill, providing water supply and in the sink, and in the bath. In addition, this option may assume the presence of a shower nozzle and, accordingly, the water flow switch. And it is convenient if the bathroom is combined, and its area is small.
  • Water supply. It can be carried out as a single stream, that is, the jet through the hole of the crane, and the scattered (this option is ensured by using different nozzles). But if you want something unusual, then select a cascade mixer. From all the others, it is distinguished by the form of a stream, which goes out by a waterfall, and it looks very original. And such an original supply of the width and form is provided. It is shorter, but flat and wide.
  • Material. Most often, brass is used for the manufacture of mixers, and this material is very durable and reliable, it is not subjected to both mechanical effects and corrosion. The cost is quite acceptable. Bronze has similar characteristics, but it costs much more expensive. Internal parts are usually made of stainless steel, and components (such as nozzles, handles) can be made from more lung materials, such as modern and high-quality ABS plastic. As for the coverage, the highest quality and modern is chrome. But decorative options, such as gilding or bronze, are also available.
  • Additional functions. AND Mi usually equipped with ultra-modern electronic models having a complex device. For example, some mixers provide the ability to set and constantly maintain a specific water temperature, which is convenient and allowed to protect burns (it is very appropriate if there are small children in the house). Other models have different modes of water supply, including suitable for hydromassage procedures. Also, modern mixers can have backlight or speakers, of which music will be heard after switching on. The mixer may have sensory sensors that are triggered when making hands and automatically shut down flow in the absence of heat heat. But usually such models are installed in public places, it is expensive and require a difficult repair at breakage.
  • Design . It can be both concise and as simple as possible and modern, futuristic or creative. And the appearance of the mixer should depend on the design of the bathroom. So, if it is decorated in the style of high-tech, it will ideally fit into its interior chrome-plated, thermostatic or electronic mixer. But with the direction of retro or country will be harmoniously combined with a bronze twentieth model.
  • Manufacturer . At the moment there are a great many manufacturers of mixers, and among them there are both foreign and well-known worldwide and domestic and not so popular. If quality is important for you, then prefer proven firms for a long time on the market. It is undesirable to choose Chinese models, most of them are not distinguished by high quality parts and reliability. Famous and respected brands are German companies "Grohe", "Hansgrohe", "Nansa", French "Jocop Delafon", Finnish "ORAS", Italian firms "Gessi", "NewForm" and "Visentialin", as well as Spanish "ROSA ", Bulgarian" Vidima ", Swedish" Gustavsberg ", American Ideal Standard. These manufacturers are responsible for product quality and provide a wide range of models that differ not only on functionality, but also for design and stylistic solutions. As for domestic producers, "SMART" and "IDDIS" deserve attention among them.
  • Warranty service. Resperating buyers and value-demand producers provide warranty service involving the replacement of parts or the entire structure in the event of a breakdown. And the longer its term, the better.
Now you know how to choose a mixer for the bathroom, and you can do it right and not mistaken.

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