Creative ideas for using glass bottles after holidays


After the holidays in each house there remains a para-triple glass bottles from champagne or other alcoholic beverages. We throw them out, not even thinking that they can turn into indispensable things for the house!

Creative ideas for using glass bottles after holidays

Glass bottles

    1. Single bottle-vases will be converted by your interior.


2. Another delightful version of the Vaz from bottles. They are suitable for artificial compositions and for living colors.


3. Tenderness itself!


4. Stylish geometric patterns are suitable for bright personalities.


5. Why not make magic lamps from used bottles?

Bottle lamp

6. As if from a fairy tale!

Bottle lamp

7. You can do even table lamps!

Bottle lamp

8. Or a bright decoration of the restrained interior.

Decor of bottles

9. Such cute bees is the perfect kitchen decoration!

Decor of bottles

10. Very bright and stylish!

Decor of bottles

11. It's so easy to do ...

Decor of bottles

12. And your jewelry will always be on the spot!

Decor of bottles

Glass bottles give us a huge scope for fantasy, because of them you can make so many stylish things!

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