10 tricks who save the wet phone

10 tricks who save the wet phone

There are enough a few drops of water or high humidity so that the phone will be broken or permanently stopped working. Undoubtedly, the best way out will appeal for help from service workers. But what to do if there is no such possibility?

This publication contains 10 tricks of first aid cell phone, if it is wet.

  1. The phone needs to be removed of water as soon as possible and immediately disable . The fact is that the details of the phone passes water in seconds. Do not turn on the phone until you make sure it is dry. In addition, the water that fell into the phone can lead to a short circuit.

10 tricks who save the wet phone

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  1. Immediately after removing the phone from the water, remove the cover from it and Remove the battery . This will help reduce the risk of damage in the internal circuits. Carefully Wipe the phone and its details. Paper towels or soft cloth.

10 tricks who save the wet phone

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  1. Remove the SIM card . It should be wiped dry, put aside and give time to dry, until the phone itself is ready for use.

10 tricks who save the wet phone

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  1. Need to Disable and remove all peripheral devices , such as headphones, memory cards, as well as everything that can block gaps, cracks and cracks in the phone (covers and protective films).

10 tricks who save the wet phone

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  1. If you have a vacuum cleaner at hand, use it to blow water. To remove moisture residues need to blow every detail of the phone For 20 minutes. At the same time, the phone needs to be blown away from all sides, constantly turning it.

Do not brings the phone too close to the vacuum cleaner hose, otherwise static electricity is formed, which is even worse for the phone.

10 tricks who save the wet phone

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  1. Do not use a hair dryer dryer Even on the "gentle" mode. By doing so, you can blew moisture from the surface further into the depths of the phone, especially it is dangerous for electronic components hidden deeply inside the phone. You can also melt some phone details.

10 tricks who save the wet phone

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  1. Can to attempt Dry the phone, immersing it in a bag with dry rice. Rice pulls well and absorbs moisture, so there is a possibility that all moisture from the phone and the battery absorbs in the rice and it will slow down corrosion. By placing the phone in the rice, it is worth removing the lid, remove the battery and put them in the same container.

Keep your phone in a package or container with rice you need at least 2-3 days. This process is slow and hurry here only hurts. While the phone is dried, it needs to turn over from time to time so that water is better absorbed.

Instead of rice Silicoel can be used which is often embedded in shoes and other items when selling, it is better than rice, absorbs moisture.

It is worth checking the phone placed in a container with an absorbent material, every hour for the first 6 hours. If moisture gathered on the surface, then you need to dry it again with paper towels or blame the vacuum cleaner.

10 tricks who save the wet phone

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  1. Put the phone for a sunny place So that all holes are completely dry.

Can Put the device on absorbent napkins or paper towels Even if before it was dry by a vacuum cleaner or placed in a container with rice. This will help to absorb possible moisture remnants from the device.

10 tricks who save the wet phone

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  1. After at least 24 hours, make sure that an externally mobile phone looks dry. It is worth checking all ports, compartments and cracks. If the phone looks dry and clean, you can put the battery in place and try to turn it on . Pay attention to the possible strange sounds and noises accompanying the inclusion process: if they are, then this is a sign that the phone works incorrectly.

10 tricks who save the wet phone

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  1. If the phone looks dry, but does not turn on Perhaps the blade can be a discharged battery. Put the phone for charging . Then try to turn on again.

If connected to charging also did not help then still It is worth trying to contact the service center . But it is not necessary to hide the fact that he suffered from water - all the same there are indicators in the phone that show the cause of the fault. The more circumstances will be set out, the easier the specialists will define the breakdown and correct it.

10 tricks who save the wet phone

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Tips and warnings

10 tricks who save the wet phone

  • Sometimes in stores you can find sets intended for resuscitation of a wet cell phone. It is better to purchase such just in case.
  • If the phone suffered from salt water, then it is necessary to wipe it with clean water so that the salt crystals at least remain in the connector under the battery.
  • Never vacuuming a wet object. You can hit the current.
  • It is important to dry the phone before putting it for charging.
  • Do not expose the phone to the long-term effects of heat, if you do not want the individual items to melt. Do not heated the battery, it can flow or explode.
  • Do not try to make out the phone completely independently. Leave this business to professionals, since such experiments can lead to short circuit or poisoning with harmful chemicals.

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