Amazing garden of Viktor Lyadova


Amazing garden of Viktor Lyadova

At the request of many of my friends, I will tell you how I grow vegetables. In this way, many daches are already sitting. I will try to explain to you.

I work, so I can travel only on the weekend. At the same time, it is necessary to rest after the labor week, to eat kebabs, shake in the bath, well, work little on the ground. There are several problems in gardening: the soil fertility falls. The land becomes dense, exhausted and has gray. Falling fertility entails a decrease in harvests collected.

The use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides leads to infection of soil, water, air and food, which leads to diseases of people.

Traditional agricultural engineering used by most gardeners is very laborious. And this reduces interest in gardening among young people.

However, all these problems are solved fairly easily, if natural is used instead of traditional agriculture. Such an agrotechnology not only preserves, it also restores soil fertility. The consequence is to increase the yield of garden crops. Mineral fertilizers do not apply, which retains the purity of nature and maintains human health. A number of garden operations in natural agricultural engineering are applied less frequently than with traditional. And some are not at all in it. All this reduces the complexity of the processing of land and leaving plants.

In my opinion, it is more important to return to nature and forget the postulate, as if the soil needs to be pushing with fertilizers, tormented with shovels and sprinkle with pesticides. Natural agriculture is primarily gentle by the processing of soil, protection of it from the temperature difference, the return of nutrients, which land generously gave plants.

Every year in the spring, coming to your country area, we sow or land vegetables on your beds. The size of the bed with a width of 1.4 meters to 2 meters, the tracks between them from 20 cm. Up to 40 cm. Maximum. This is a traditional way to plant vegetables to bed. The plant on such beds, especially in the middle, is often sick, exposed to posture, are poorly developed, the vegetables are small, not yet stored. But for pests weakened plant and good nutrition, and you can postpone off the offspring. Alone, to handle such a caring such a torment.

But on such a bed I saw one positive side. Extreme plant, regarding those that are located in the middle, looked more worthy. Larger, are not affected by the disease and it is convenient to pour, rushing, etc.

I also thought about one more factor. Single tree along the alleys in the city feature, no one feeds him, the foliage that it is discarded and they try to remove for appearance and beauty. Although this foliage could serve a fancy tree. So at the expense of this tree exists and where does it take nutrition? In recent years, scientists have established that the plant is about 60% taking power from the air. It is of course interesting.

The unpredictability of our Far Eastern climate, high temperatures, night and day, arid or rainy summer, excessive precipitation by the end of August and the beginning of September confirmed the samples chosen by me for many years and errors of frosting vegetables.

I came to the conclusion that you need to look for another way less time consuming, but with the ability to get higher yields. I combined two technologies.

1. "Narrow ridges - a unique technology of vegetable growing for small areas."

2. "Agrotechnology of natural agriculture."

I have strengthened in the opinion that it is the organizing agent that can reveal all the possibilities of plants, saving strength and time. Only on a good compost you can see and evaluate the quality of Western and domestic varieties: most of them are created for organic soil. I am sure: we can not go anywhere from the organic. Total things: learn to compost and still arrange stationary beds - once for many years.

Vegetable growing on narrow ridges was developed by J. Mitlider in the 70s of the last century and brought by the author to Russia in 1989.

But blind copying of the receptions and tips, even the very best, will not lead to anything. There must be a creative approach and to understand the biological patterns of the culture itself, and the processes occurring during its cultivation. Mitlider has one drawback (this is my opinion) when using mineral fertilizers, the taste of the fetus is unnatural. To fix it - instead of mineral feeding uses humid, ash, manure, infusion of herbs, etc. (I am a supporter of organic fertilizers). I am for a pure ecological product.

But you do not need to perceive mineral fertilizer as a poison. Observe the only dose. It is better not to pectinate the plant than to overgrow it.

For which I am especially grateful to J. Mitlider is for the development of narrow beds. Although Mitlaider does not recommend putting a box for narrow beds, I still screamed the box. Nature itself suggested me. In the spring, many cottages floods, water does not have time to go, water is worthwhile. We have the same problem at the end of August and early September - the rains are poured and at night. And in the middle of the summer it rains can pour 2 - 3 days, and maybe in half an hour pour the whole garden.

Therefore, raising the beds by 15-25 cm. Above the tracks - solves this problem. The width of the ridge 60 is 100 cm., Arbitrary length. The groove between the beds 60 is 80 cm. It only seems that the land in the aisles walks without use. It is the passages and work, and even how!

Vegetable container is a high garden, the walls of which are composed of bricks, bric, timber, boards, stone, slate ... Crickerels stretch from north to south. The aisles between them can be inspired by sand, sawdust, rubberoid, etc. I preferred the lawn, which is once a month with a trimmer. Some passes I posed sawdust. The beauty of the garden does not leave anyone indifferent. Weeds are not, the plot is clean and beautiful.

Box - the box is filled with organic. Down tolerances are plant residues (grass, straw, foliage), then compost or manure, or shed in herbs and the like; The top layer puts the Earth from the aisles. Thus, the box is filled.

Each garden is 2 rows of vegetables, planted along the edges in a checker order between vegetables. In this geometry hidden a huge reserve of productivity, it has long been noticed: the extreme plant develops almost twice as well as in the middle - they have much more light and space for growth. And here - all plants extreme. Wide aisle and necessary in order to give them light and space. The small area of ​​the organic gives more than a large area of ​​soil. One who at least one season has worked on narrow ridges, is convinceding in the vast capabilities of this method and simply cannot return to traditional technology. Working on the ridges, a person is joy not only from a good harvest, but also from the process of growing vegetables.

Amazing garden of Viktor Lyadova

The beauty of the garden, which is more like the park, does not leave anyone indifferent. Weeds are not, the plot is clean and beautiful.

In two rows in a chess order, I soaring cabbage, eggplants, pepper, tomatoes, etc.

In four or three rows I landing onions, garlic, beets, salads, radishes, carrots, etc.

Disadvantages requires material costs for the first year to build a garden. This tiny disadvantage makes the container inaccessible to most dacities.


Such a garden works for several years, one can say forever (replenish it with waste, vegetable residues, foliage, etc.). After crawling, Sota Siderats. When landing, it is not necessary to introduce neither compost in the well, nor overwhelmed manure. Such a garden itself is a compost.

The humus is not washed, because the garden is fenced.

According to many agronomists 60 - 80%, the plant is powered out of air, therefore large passes play a significant role in the biological process of the plant. Culture gets good illumination and sufficient air flow.

About 30% plant gets food from the ground. Naturally, the consumption of organic and mineral fertilizers is spent 2 times less consumption of organic and mineral fertilizers. At the same time, the harvest is much higher than you get with a narrow bed. I checked it for several years and it can be seen in my photos.

Contains a large nutrient volume, moisture supply

Amazing garden of Viktor Lyadova

Convenient watering.

There is no stagnation of water

Does not require a dip

Does not require a weeding - if the garden is clicked

Does not require resistance, only loosening by 7 - 10 cm.

It is possible to produce early landing, since the beds in the spring warms up faster than the usual

On narrow beds it is easy to do crop rotation. Where last year the onions, this year you can plant carrots or cabbage. Groats all one width.

Yield rises 100% and higher.

Tubers, rooted roots without visible signs of disease

Beautiful and easy to work.

It is very convenient to make the shelter by plastic arcs that are sold in seed stores. We put 2 piles from both sides of the bed and put on them an arc. Distance between arcs near the meter. Depending on the bed length, you install the desired number of arcs. On top of the arcs, you can use the observer material or film, until the frost threat passes.

This is a system of narrow beds and allows me to get constantly high yields, independent of the weather whims and conditions of the region.

Amazing garden of Viktor Lyadova

Amazing garden of Viktor Lyadova

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