Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil


Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil
Sange Paiffer lives in Sao Paulo, in Brazil. It is known as a master inventy and embodying intricate and colorful volumetric mosaic patterns from china fragments, tiles, ceramics. Sange sells his work in the gallery and leads master classes by teaching others to their art.

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Solange Paiffer uses porcelain and ceramics to create colorful voluminous work from fragments.

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

To collect every work, Sange uses a variety of materials. Colorful tiles, dishes, vases from porcelain and ceramics must first split into pieces, and then collect mosaic of them. And before this is a sketch. The master makes the work of different themes, for example, it can be floral compositions or masks, but the most frequent heroes of its works - animals: dogs, cats, cows, birds. Sannzh creates including portraits of specific pets that are obtained simultaneously and decorative, and very similar.

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil

Bright three-dimensional mosaics from Master from Brazil


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