Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era


Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Before you, items performed at the European Factory of Porcelain, whose name I will not call. I will only say that the factory existed very long and during its existence released 315 species of various objects - cups, vases, tea and coffee sets from their workshops. All of them have a very recognizable form and are decorated with a magnificent hand painted - the style of this manufactory is not confused with anything. So who is the creator of these unusual elegant forms and a rich, affecting the magnificence of the paints and the finest work of painting? Guess?

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Manufactory, which created this magnificence, is called Rosenburg Factory.

It was founded in the Hague in 1883 by Wilhelm Wolf von Gulelenberg and existed less than half a century. It is not the quality of porcelain or a rude appearance of products, the reason lies in a general decline, which has de-energized Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. Premonition of the First World War, a revolutionary fever that swept Europe - here is not to the exquisite dishes or luxurious VAZ.

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

But first things first. The Rosenburg factory began work with the release of traditional blue-white products of A la Delft for Holland. But at the same time, they were looking for their own style. Gulelenberg was fascinated by new trends in art (after all, the birthday of the factory coincided with the rapid development of the European Modern) and was looking for an ally to create ceramics in the style of AR Nouveau, inspired by his wealth of forms, textures and colors. This is an ally and became an eccentric designer of the Colenbrander, with which they are connected The days of the heyday and glory of the Hague factory. It was according to the sketches of the Colenbrander that exotic forms were made, brought by vases and dishes from the Sorblergian porcelain, the broadest glory and the love of connoisseurs of "White Gold".

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Colenbrander set himself a task to turn the Rosenburg porcelain into an exclusive, recognizable brand at first glance, making it one most expensive and prestigious in the European market. I must say that he perfectly coped with the task, but, of course, not alone. Under his beginning, there was a team of talented highly professional artists in the china, headed by the brilliant masters of their case - Matrah Sam Schelling and Hartgring. From the factory art workshop, vases and tea sets of unique beauty, decorated with stunningly skillful finest hand painted with traditional arrow "floral" and "bird" plots.

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

To all other, the amazing grace of forms and the magnificence of paintings was embodied in a special material - the finest, like cigarette paper and transparently ghostly, as if river pearls, company Rosenburg Porpora, obtained in the laboratories of Manufactory by Giurian Kok. This porcelain was so thin that the dishes made from it were scary to use for their intended purpose. However, the fantastic way height of the bends and surplus of the forms struck and delighted the public who visited the factory stand at the famous Parisian exhibition of 1900, which, in the absence of utilization, she simply did not pay attention - vases, teapots, sets and jugs from the Rosenburg Porcelain instantly became a hit. The lids of impressive teapots resembled the flakes of the sea foam, and the handles of cups and VAZ sticking out, as if the mustache of tropical butterflies and beetles, and painting ... She was just gorgeous!. For several years, the factory earned very well, putting exotic dishes and vases into the series, however the price of objects, their fragility and the well-minded plagiarism did not allow to consolidate. As a result, the factory closed, and sorry ...

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Today, objects from the Sorblergian porcelain are a collectible rarity, the cost of the vase can be measured by thousands of euros. Not everyone can afford such acquisition, but to admire these exotic creatures, we can very much!

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era

Porcelain Dicks of the AR Nouveau era


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