How to care for umbrellas and correctly store them: useful tips and 18 stylish examples


Stylish storage of umbrellas

In the autumn and spring periods, umbrellas are among the most relevant accessories in the wardrobe of everyone who does not want to get into the rain. So that they always remain in good shape, they need to carefully care and tenderly store. We collected the most effective ways.

1. Right drying

For storage umbrellas it is better to use special granny

For storage umbrellas it is better to use special granny

There is a myth that it is impossible to store open umbrella. But in fact, this statement applies only to cheap accessories made from nylon. This material is quickly stretched and sits down, although it has an attractive appearance. High-quality umbrellas need to be dried in disclosed form, away from heat devices and heating radiators. But the cheap umbrella will have to be stored in a semistle state so that it does not stretch.

2. Effective washer

After washing the umbrella should be wiped with a dry cloth and dry, and then put in the granny

After washing the umbrella should be wiped with a dry cloth and dry, and then put in the granny

Over time, any umbrella loses attractiveness, since after the rain it remains dirty stains and divorces. Washing them will help the economic soap or shampoo. The remedy should be applied to a semi-column wet umbrella, then reveal it and rinse the foam well. Then you should shook the drops well and wipe the opened umbrella with a dry soft cloth. After this, it is necessary to put the umbrella to dry.

3. Selection of material

Organizers for small parishings

Organizers for small parishings

If the old umbrella has already completely worn out, and you need to buy a new one, then you should know several key moments. The most reliable and durable material is polyester. Well, if it is covered with a water-repellent layer, it will prolong its life. Another high-quality material - Eponge. It has natural cotton and polyester. Such an umbrella pushes moisture well.

Umbrellas in the interior

Umbrellas in the interior

4. Folk remedies

Sometimes the usual wash soap does not allow proper results, then you can resort to some folk remedies. For example, traces of rust from the spokes appear on the fabric. Lemon juice, diluted in warm water, will help get rid of them. But strong contamination from the colored umbrella can be removed with a solution of water and ammonic alcohol, from the calculation of 100 ml. Nasharya for one liter of water.

Neat storage of umbrellas

Neat storage of umbrellas

5. Stylish storage

Umbrellas can be a good decoration of the interior of the hallway. For their storage, it is better to use special granks. Today there are options even for small-sized premises. If the organizer is not, then the umbrellas can be placed on the clothes hanger - hang on the hook or put on the upper open shelf.

Functionally and stylish

Functionally and stylish

When the rainy season ends, the umbrellas are recommended to clean up so that they do not dust and do not fade. To do this, you need to wash the umbrella, wipe it with a dry cloth, dry, hide into the case and put on one of the shelves in the closet. From above on umbrellas, it is better not to put anything, since they can quickly lose the form.

Storage option if there are no prisoners in the house

Storage option if there are no prisoners in the house

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