Rabita grid from ordinary plastic bottle: step-by-step instruction


Rabita grid from ordinary plastic bottle: step-by-step instruction

Create a grid at home is extremely easy, but few people wondered how it can be done. Many are referred to in stores in case you need to purchase a grid for cottage or garden. In fact, a simple garden grid, a solid and beautiful, can be made of plastic bottles, using one trick!

What will be required to create a grid to a challenge from ordinary plastic bottles?

Rabita grid from ordinary plastic bottle: step-by-step instruction

It should be noted for the start that the chain grid is used for more than two hundred years, so Kona has significant technical properties - simple to use, durability, ease. Thanks to the listed useful properties, the chain grid is used both in the construction industry and for the fencing of the land area. At the same time, do not forget that this type of grid began to be actively used in the decoration of residential space.

Make a chain grid at home, somehow it believes most people, it is almost impossible. But the experience of many craftsmen showed that it can be made from plastic bottles and the grid will be extremely strong and high-quality. Old plastic bottles, good, in our time extremely a lot.

In order to create a homemade grid, a challenge from plastic bottles will be needed:

  1. Several dozens of plastic bottles) It is advisable to take ten-tier).
  2. Metal shape for cookies in the form of rhombus.
  3. Iron.
  4. Scissors or sharply frozen pads.
  5. Specialsteler for masters with particularly durable paper clips.

Of course, not everything can be found at home at once, but everything you need costs a little and everyone can spend very little money in order to quickly create a challenge at home for the design of the room, or for a treacherous gardening to hold various animals away from planted plants.

The process of creating a challenge at home

In fact, the main difficulty in the production of the chain grid is to multiply it with the help of a metal form plastic sheet obtained when unwounding a plastic bottle. Only in this way can be created extremely soon a grid of plastic sheets, without accompanying a lot of strength. On the Internet there are other technologies for creating chains, but they all require the use of special equipment, or it is necessary to manually cut all the holes in plastic sheets.

To begin with, you will need to unwind several plastic bottles. It is better to take five-liter or more plastic bottles so that the grid has as little fasteners as possible, which weaken the strength of the grid.

With the help of sharp scissors or sharp pliers, it is necessary to remove the neck and bottom of each bottle, and then across cut the bottle to reveal it. It turns out something like a plastic scroll.

Important! Leaving the plastic case is "smell" enough, so it is better to create a drawing on plastic sheets in a well-ventilated room!

Then it will be necessary to heat the diamond shape for cookies, which should have a small size. The mold is worth putting on the iron, which will heat the metal fast enough. Then the mold will need to apply a plastic scroll into different places to create a drawing on a sheet.

The drawing should turn out to be beautiful, but it is not worth it too close to burn a diamond form plastic sheet so that the grid strength does not decrease. Much depends on what the chain grid is required. If it is planned to be used as a decorative element for the apartment, then in this case the indentation between rhombuses can be much closer. Do not forget that plastic cannot compete with the metal, so the plastic chain grid will be much less durable than steel!


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