He built a strange door in the middle of the yard


He built a strange door in the middle of the courtyard. The result made envy all the neighbors!

If a person has hands grow from where it is necessary, there is nothing impossible for him. And if he is still well developed fantasy. There are necessary tools and materials and a little free time, he, as they say, God himself ordered to surprise her relatives and loved ones, and not only them.

Once a network user under the nickname Rionled surprised his neighbors a strange secret door, which appeared from him ... right in the middle of the courtyard. Then a man laid out a photo on the Internet, caused surprise and other people. What is this door? And why did she need it?

Compact sandbox for a child
Materials were not so much, so I had to be accurate in calculation
Compact sandbox for a child
Fitting layer
Compact sandbox for a child
And some more "witchcraft"
Compact sandbox for a child
And finally, the time of those "secret" doors came!
Compact sandbox for a child
Guess? Of course, this is a closing sandbox!
Compact sandbox for a child
Doors will protect sand from non-crushed raids of cats and dogs that transfer parasites and use sand in their needs.
Compact sandbox for a child
And here is the last stage - painting and installation
Compact sandbox for a child
By the way, if necessary, the doors easily turn into comfortable benches
Compact sandbox for a child
Of course, such a thing for his yard could be easily purchased in the finished form, but will the ready-made thing compare with the one in which so many patience, labor and love was invested?!
Compact sandbox for a child

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