What to replace the broken iron


Technique sometimes brings. And almost always - in the most inappropriate moment for this. In a higher risk group, the top of the leaders are smartphones, laptops and irons. The latter fails most often. Burned iron, and all shirts with dresses compete in the amount of folds? Without panic. Try one of these alternative lifehams, how to try clothes without an iron.

What to replace the broken iron

To look neat, especially in travel or business trips, it is quite possible to do without iron. After all, there are other ways to bring clothing in order. Use ...

1. Fen

What to replace the broken iron

Put the thing to the maximum smooth surface, switch the hairdryer to a high temperature mode and holding it at a distance of about 10 cm, carefully treat all the folds and irregularities of clothes. You will see: under the influence of high temperatures, they will be smoothed literally by themselves.

2. Souls

What to replace the broken iron

Conduct your mint clothes a real sauna. To do this, grab it with you in the bathroom, hang as close as possible (just so as not to wet) and take a hot shower. Do not forget to close the door. Excellent way to use it on vacation or business trip.

3. Wet Towel

What to replace the broken iron

Place your clothes on a flat surface, attach a wet (and, desirable, warm) towel to "crumbling", fit well. This should work against deep folds. After send a thing on the hanger and let dry.

4. Vinegar

What to replace the broken iron

Surely you know that there are special smoothing sprays for clothes. It turns out that their analogue is easier than simple. And much cheaper. Mix one piece of vinegar with three parts of the water and fill in a bottle with a spray gun. Treat things and let them dry. The effect should please.

5. Boiling chain

What to replace the broken iron

The secret is all in the same "Parling Effect". When the kettle boils from his spout, put the pairs, bring the thing that is not glaked closer and spark it. Just be careful with the burner, fire hazard!

6. Washing machine

What to replace the broken iron

If the label on clothes does not forbid an automatic drying, sprinkle with water with water and send to the washing machine with a pair of other wet things. Also throw into a drum a few ice cubes. Drying time - 15 minutes. In the process of ice melts and you get the effect of ironing by steam.

7. Hot saucepan

What to replace the broken iron

Pour water in a saucepan and put on fire. When boils, pour water, and use a hot pan as an iron: hold for the handles (do not forget the tacks!) And the bottom literally wake all the folds on the clothes. Just make sure that the bottom is clean. Is present, right?

8. Hair Iron

What to replace the broken iron

The perfect tool to quickly smooth out small folds or put a shirt collar. The main thing is that there are no random hairs on the ceramic plates - it can cause a root hole. And in the rest of the iron completely justifies its name.

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