Skirt-Spiral: How old, how many winters


Pictures on request Skirt Spiral

About six years ago, in Tallinn, in a store for tourists with products of local masters, I saw wondrous skirts stitched from spiral strips, 10 cm wide (or so). Skirts smelled in the soul, on the next trip there was there with money for the purchase, but they were no longer there. The sellers ask himself, the dream remained a dream. And then, after a while, in the pinter saw the dress, stitched in a similar way, only the width of the bands is different, but the principle is the same. Search by picture did not give anything. You have such a circle of smart hand readers, maybe they will help? Actually, the question is: how to cut and sew it? This is not just stripes in a straight line? I sew not so long ago, something is difficult for me not to mask, but it seems to me simple. Or is it just it seems?

Skirt-Spiral: How old, how many winters

I remember the fashion for these skirts among sewing years 10 back, or maybe it was 15 or more? But there was a moment when such patterns were discussed on all sewing forums. And, of course, it is not easy to lie from the oblique strip. :-) And something tells me that the bands were not 10 cm, but much wider. Usually for such a skirt cut the entire pattern for 8 bands. Theoretically, it is possible for more, but it seems to me a terrible boring, and looks much more "restless", it is better to practice on such broad "eighthushki".

Here is an explanation, how to change the pattern of a straight skirt so that it happens:

Skirt-Spiral: How old, how many winters

If the details obtained in this way are as follows:

Skirt-Spiral: How old, how many winters

It turns out about this:

Skirt-Spiral: How old, how many winters

True, with such a situation, the roundness from each wedge is visible at the bottom. And on your photo skirt cut smoothly. And I'm not sure how exactly it is necessary to cut these semicircles from the bottom to get a smooth edge. To be honest, I would have sewed them like that, according to the instructions, and then the entire skirt would be at the bottom exactly cut off if I wanted to do smoothly. :-) (this is probably a barbaric way, yes?)

Here is another explanation, as such to sew:

Skirt-Spiral: How old, how many winters

In general, the simple pattern of a straight skirt is cut into 8 parts, and then each part is set in the specified way, as far as I want. The more, the item will be Krivee, and the more difficult it will be economical to arrange it on the fabric. And the more magnificent skirt. If you completely scatter (and do not regret the fabric), you can cheat to the complete sun, and even more.

Here is the same, but with a big sweep:

Skirt-Spiral: How old, how many winters

And in general, I remember that there was a lot of discussion on the forum, as such to lure and sew. I wrote in Google "Skirt from Spirals," and immediately found a lot of things.

I wish you nice to suffer! And show the skirt when you saves !!! :-)

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