Stunning paintings from croup, which will decorate your kitchen



Such pictures fit perfectly into the design of any kitchen. It is only important to choose the right color and image. And if your child will make such a picture - she will look even better! Create such masterpieces are actually very simple. It is enough just to collect several types of cereals and seeds. Beautifully looking at lentils orange and green, as well as beans. You can make pictures only from one bean - it turns out very stylish. It is also not bad for corn croup and millet. Buckwheat, rice, peas, wheat and rye cereals, barley and making - are also suitable for such crafts. As well as seeds and other seeds. In addition, you should pick up a beautiful stencil or draw it yourself. Then we smear PVA glue to a certain section of the picture and fall asleep it. And so, until the entire picture is filled. Look, what beautiful crafts are obtained! In addition to ordinary children's hedgehogs, chickens or fish, you will find in this selection and the real works of art!








Inspire! And forward - to creativity!

Pictures on request paintings from croup

Pictures on request paintings from croup

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