From what was - do a pretty table



I want to tell you how to make work on creating this table. Actually, this is the content of the master class.

I am not a furniture specialist, not a professional is an amateur. Just "hands itching" when I see such things. Masters will understand me.

Please consider my publication as a story about the process, about the difficulties that are inevitable in such work, about the decisions made. Maybe this will serve someone with a creative impetus, maybe my finds will be useful. I will be glad.

So, I saw a table on the site, they sold him about cheap, but it was not ahti's condition! The very first photos did not do, then she was spun, but here the photo is already amended.

On this photo, the table is already with a new countertop. Old easy to imagine, looking at this "rear view." The table top was pinned with nails to the frame, I removed it and threw it away.

Further turned for help to my friends - carpenters.

The leg with the "patch" was undertaken at the bottom, and the deeply respected Alexey Egorovich set me this patch. He stuck and the corners secured the worktop.

Now about the tabletop - in detail. I once walked past the garbage container and saw a heartbreaking picture: the wipers were engaged in a wonderful old piano, spoke ruthlessly and cruelly. The cold wonderful details were spread out in a sliver!

I paid 300 p. And they carried me home the front panels and wreckage of carved keyboard supports (I do not know the name).

The panels were wonderful: with carvings, perfectly smooth, completely wooden and light.

Here, from one panel, I decided to make a countertop. But I really wanted the countertop to be with rounded corners and edge. Without a carpenter Vladimir Synachev, I could not have succeeded.

And the relief of the carved panel and the edge, I decided to highlight the bronze paste Ferrario.


Then painted the drawing with acrylic decorative paints of metallic copper, bronze and greens-pearl. Paints diluted with water to avoid multirud. That's what happened:

Wood blanks

The photo shows that the table top has scratches and hurry. The background had to lease. I decided not to fine-wit and use high-quality paint: black acrylic varnish for the wooden surfaces of the Pestilacca (ticcury).

The table itself also had to be sick-dye.


That's how the facade looked. It is clear that the initial decorative elements are lost, but it is not clear what they were. Again, niche is, and the drawer in it, apparently, was not. My task is not to restore the "as it was", but to adapt for a computer, sticking knobs. Need a drawer.

Restoration of furniture

And here again without Alexey Egorovich me, as without hands. I carry a box from the old Romanian cabinet (beech!), It must be shortened, make the facade (from the profile for platbands, pine). In the photo - another box, but the meaning of the operation is such.

Wood carving

And this is a box with a facade, I like that the facade is rounded, it corresponds to the forms of the table.


This is what the box looks like. It must be painted and it is necessary to make a crawling under the lid.


The photo shows the attachments of the countertops and polls (non-zerosy, but, as they did, and will be - a darken horse ...).



Well, the table is assembled. Now you need to hide, clean the dust, wipe with vodka and paint. Paint (I do not like painting smooth large surfaces) black paint.


The legs, the back wall painted with a synthetic brush for varnish. Beginning was both a worktop, but I do not advise you to do it with a brush, better than a paralysis.

Somehow the bottom looks dumb. I highlight the face all the same bronze paste, by the way, the cloth is better to take a cotton, and not disposable in the roll, as I started.

Decorating furniture

It remains to be covered with varnish for strength and leveling of surfaces. Bought a yacht semi-union varnish Tikkurila. It is also better to apply a paralysis and several layers after drying. I did 1 layer a day.

Decor of furniture

On the table, you need to scout a handle. But what?! There are 3 virians. One, Italian, is completely suitable for the style of a carved pattern and in the color of the bronze "gilding". But Alexey Egorovich thoughtfully touched me a hole for the handle, one, in the center. The handle with a square lining is also not bad, but Italian is better! So, I kill the box, fix the handle.

Decorative elements

Here it painted, and on the bar under the box three holes did not slippath! Now your rotosaism must be masked. I scored in the holes of the match, and in them - furniture carnations - this is the "decor element"!

Yes, I myself know: I would change the back wall to decent Phaneru! But then another month will go to refinement. And in general, the best - the enemy is good ... So take the job:


And on the final, saved treasures:

Designer things

Facade Piano Panel:

Interior decor

M leg, which helped to collect and even cut out the missing fragment of Alexey Egorovich.


Making a pretty table

Making a pretty table

The photo shows brutal wounds on this wonderful beauty.

The legs need to be put in order, but the trouble: the lion feet of the second leg was not found, died in the paws of wild janitors.

So, I draw your attention, dear masters: do not pass by the thrown piano!

Thank you for your attention and patience!

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