Together forever. How to create a sculpture "Family Circle"


Together forever. How to create sculpture

Photos at the framework today no one will not surprise. There were those times when neatly twined photo albums were opened for guests at solemn cases. Today, our life is overflowing with pictures that no one even looks at. Therefore, inventive people come up with new ways to keep the memory of the lived years, so that guests, going to the house, the mouth opened from surprise.

How do you, for example, have such an idea? This 3-D layout of your own hands (or other parts of the body) can be made independently without much effort.

How do you, for example, have such an idea? This 3-D layout of your own hands (or other parts of the body) can be made independently without much effort.

Need to:

  • Polymer clay
  • Cellophane to protect the surface of the table
  • Bucket
  • Dry Gypsum (Powder)
  • Tassel, knife, tweezers


Specifications how to create material for modeling, are indicated on the package with clay. Do not forget to cover the surface on which you are going to sculpt, cellophane. How to think about the design of the sculpture before starting. During the process, you need to stay still, so it is worth asking someone to help you cover the hands of clay.

Together forever. How to create sculpture

In this case, clay changes color when drying.

Together forever. How to create sculpture

When she dried, hands can be removed. Now we have the form in which the plaster is filled.

Together forever. How to create sculpture

When plaster froze, clay can be taken carefully.

Together forever. How to create sculpture

Knife, brush, tweezers - all this will help you to work out the details and achieve this result.

Together forever. How to create sculpture

This short video describes the whole process:

Many families have already used this simple technique to create such sculptures.

A source

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