Here are as much 5 ways to distinguish natural skin from fake


Here are as much 5 ways to distinguish natural skin from fake

You go around the city, and here - about a miracle! On the showcase of the boutique, the perfect leather bag is exhibited, just the one that you dreamed about!

It looks gorgeous behind the glass, so it is impossible to keep it: you go to the boutique to view the handbag closer. A consultant readily removes it from the showcase and hands you.

This is where doubts begins.

It looks cool, but suddenly it is not a genuine leather? Clearly, you do not want to throw money on Dermatin fake. It's like buying fianit at the price of diamonds!

So how to determine the present leather or imitation in front of you?

It is not so difficult.

Here are the main rules:

1. Look at the label.

This is the most obvious first step. If "leatherette", "ice", "synthetics", "artificial material", "synthetics", "artificial material" and the like is not the skin.

And if it is written "100% genuine leather"? Is it possible to trust this?

Not always, so read on.

2. Pay attention to the price.

Genuine leather at random prices are not for sale. Quality costs money. Do not buy for "profitable" suggestions - fakes are not worth it.

3. Try the goods by weight.

This is especially noticeable in leather jackets. Genuine leather is quite heavy - in contrast to the leatherette.

4. Slide.


The characteristic smell of genuine leather can not be confused. This is a rich, slightly animal fragrance. Artificial leather will usually smell vinyl and chemistry.

5. Surface and exhaust.


Spend your fingers on the surface of the product.

Genuine leather is never perfect smooth, it is always rough. Sometimes it can have a rather rough texture, sometimes suede, but never slippery. The leatherette often has a glossy surface.

In addition, the real skin is quite plastic and always changes the color on the bend. At the same time, the traces of the bend does not remain. The leatherette is usually less supplied, and wrinkles remain on it in the seed grounds.


Pay attention to the offline of the product. Again, genuine leather will be more rough. In addition, dermatin often has a tissue lining.

6. Inspect the seams and edges.


Genuine leather always has rough edges, while on the edges of the edges are usually evenly smooth and rigid, like plastic. In the products of the leatherette, threads stick out from the seams, and the holes from the needles have a smooth round shape; Genuine leather is tightened around the holes, so the patch of the seam is immersed in it.

7. Tests with fire and water.

There is no such possibility, but natural skin is easy to distinguish from the fake with a match. She is very resistant to fire, while the dermatin flashes instantly and is well lit. In this case, he stinks with plastic and bubbles.

A more affordable way - to finger a little saliva and rub the product. Genuine leather absorbs moisture almost immediately. Dermatin is not able to absorb water, so saliva will remain on the surface.

8. Buy in branded outlet.

Perhaps the best guarantee of naturalness and quality is the brand reputation. Therefore, do not buy leather products from hand and in the markets, even if they do not cause suspicion. Trust the reliable, proven stores.

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