How to enlarge smartphone


In our years, the person has become so dependent on smartphones, tablets and laptops, that the struggle for the survival of the batteries becomes the meaning of life. Here are all proven working methods.

How to enlarge smartphone


Heating device, i.e. Hold your smartphone cooled. Passing at elevated reaction temperatures have an unpleasant side effect - a faster charge embezzlement, and as a result of extra charge cycles, which affects the final durability of batteries. Usually, the smartphone loses from 4% to 20% of the battery capacity annually. So this (and the following) Tips will help you be closer to those lucky who have lost only four percent!

Do not admit

Complete device discharge. Sailing charge to full zero affects the battery resources in the most undesirable way. This concerns lithium-ion batteries that are now most common. Unlike old-fashioned nickel batteries, lithium-iones do not have the so-called memory, they do not need a complete charging cycle at all. Because only you see that the mobile phone / tablet almost "sat down", it is better to turn it off without waiting for the appearance of a terrible zero on the indicator. In some devices in the settings there are even item "artificially limit the battery capacity", a very useful thing is indeed.


Try to maintain the charge level of about 50% if you leave a gadget for storage and you are not going to enjoy some time. Just charge it half, remove the cool place and might be calm for him. This simple action prevents the battery degradation.


Close up working or hanging in the background of the application. As studies have shown, modern mobile operating systems do not waste excess energy when the programs are wicked in the background. But the violent flapping is accompanied by charge flow.

Turn off

The device from the power grid as soon as it is fully charged. And even better - stop charging at 80-90%. Experts argue that such a regime for lithium-ion batteries is the most healthy. Who are we to argue with them?


We remind you of all the tribulations that have not yet went to the detriment of anyone: always turn off the power-sizing features that you currently do not need (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.), install the minimum possible brightness of the screen, but, choosing programs for daily Use, see not only as far as they are prettifying, but and which one is economical (the most insidious among voracious is messengers). Well, do in the mornings of charging, drink at least two liters of water per day and every evening walk along the seabed ... Instead of using the phone.

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