5 Creative Ideas for Knitting Amateur


Sweaters and blouses are the last century. No matter how try, and the mango or mexx will not tie.

But the needles are sitting. Threads are fascinating. Yes, and Saturday evening without knitting empty and gray. Where to direct your knitting energy?

I suggest seriously consider five wonderful ideas that offer knitters interior designers.

Idea First: Material

In order to knit unique things for your home, it is not necessary to spend money on the expensive yarn.

Your material can be:

  • Threads from old, receded sweaters and COFT, which will be found on any mezzanine of any apartment;
  • Strips, sliced ​​from the old sheet, duvette, shirt, any bright clothes.
  • Polyethylene packages;
  • The twine and packaging tape.

Idea Second: Covers, Pillows, Plaids

Start with a simple: an ordinary billboard can give your home a magnificent designer set covered on a sofa and chairs plus pillowcases on sofa pillows and dums.


The main thing in this business is a color solution: we are covered with monochromatic, "pillowcases" on the pillows - two-color, and combine the colors in different ways: then we cross two contrasting canvases, then we let the strip in the middle, then we will unscrew the frame.


You can create a patchwork kit: impose many multi-colored squares, which are then sehered.


Idea Third: Knitted Zoo

Also an easy idea: knitted cushions for children. Just knit: ladybug, pig, cat, fish.


We make a monophonic (white, dairy) abdomen (bottom pillows) and a suitable back (red-black, red-haired, striped), made of buttons. Mastery eyes, from the fishing line - mustache.

Idea Fourth: Vasons

A wonderful solution for rooms - knitted flower pots.


There is no fantasy limit here: it can be striped covers, belts, bows, for sample - whole genre panels bound by rubber band and row on vases.

Idea Fifth: New Year's toys

And how wonderful toys on the Christmas tree look great!

Knitted balls and flower buds, grapes garlands and fluffy chrysanthemums, beads and serpentine - what you just do not create from ordinary threads for knitting!


Special attention is paid to the symbol of the upcoming year: for example, the current mistress of the New Year holiday snake can even associate a beginner.

Well, what impressed? Or maybe someone already tried? Breasting!

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