Do not hurry to throw away the watch - they are still airty!


During the general cleaning on the mezzanine, there were hours on the kitchen, on the machine the hand suffered them to throw them away in the garbage, because I was captured by the emission of all, which did not use it for a long time, but ... stopped the glass on the clock. All the hours I do - open, arrows, dial outside, and here under glass. "ABOUT! You can decorate, "I am advised, and left on the same mezzanine to better times. So they have come, the best times for the watch.

I share the process with you, dear readers, and suddenly who will come in handy.

So, the watch disassembled, washed, removed the mechanism and glass, went ...

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

He took: alcohol, solvent and acetone to remove the lacquer from the plastic, the acetone helped better. After wiping with acetone, skin sandpaper or abrasive sponge. We need to achieve a rough surface so that the ground is better grabbed.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

The same manipulations spend with four glass holders. Wipe with acetone, whirlpool, wipe the acetone, whisch, and so, until we get a rough surface.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

The stationery knife is discovered by Quartz.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

We pass by abrasive sponge or sandpaper.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Golden numbers under acetone quickly lose their cheap shine and take their original black plastic color.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

This is what managed to achieve:

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Next, we take the soil and glue PVA, mix them according to the principle of 1 to 3 (1-PVA).

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

And the long process of primer products. Breast, dry, skin, unevenly light soil, then repeat until the white surface of the whole product does not achieve.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

We make scuffs on the dial using sandpaper.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

We will make an inscription! To do this, use transfer paper.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Cut the plot. We apply a special gel to the place where we will have this inscription, we apply the plot that drive bubbles and wait for 30 minutes (as written in the instructions).

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

While dries, paint in black holders.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Cray black sidewall clock.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

From the cooler holders, cut a little black paint.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Sponge with white paint allocate protruding details.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Rock moistened with water, top layer of paper with decorative inscription. And I still decided to add a butterfly. I do all the same manipulations described above.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

We glue on a black sidewall white openwork paper.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Cut the strip with a margin of 1-2 mm.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Glue to diluted PVA.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

I removed the remnants of transfer paper from the butterfly, and that's what we already happen.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Semi-dry rigid brush with black paint take place at the outer edge of the clock. Here, any vain itself to regulate the degree of coloring, someone likes it darker, someone with a brightest ...

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Cover all varnish.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

On the inside we glue beads.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

And semi-graysins, too, for glue.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

White contour put the dots around large semobusin.

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

We collect watch, put the mechanism, arrows, glass, fasten holders and ... admire the result!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

Do not hurry to throw away the watch, they are still airty!

That's basically it. It's not so difficult, but the watch has gained the second life :)

Thank you all for your attention!

Author - Zulfira /Zuli / (Moscow)


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