Do you think everyone knows about it? Plastic Bottles Master Classes


Did you think you know about it all? Plastic Bottles Master Classes

Things made with your own hands are always more valuable and more expensive. We offer the master class, thanks to which you can learn not only beautiful, but also useful things from plastic bottles.

Plastic Bottle Bird Dispenser


You will need:

  • 1-liter plastic bottle.
  • Knife.
  • 2 Wooden spoons.
  • Screw.
  • Rope.


1. Draw a hole with a radius of 1 cm at a distance of 10 cm from the bottom.

2. Turn a bottle of 90 degrees and draw another hole with a radius of 2 cm, opposite the first one.

3. The same process must be repeated at a distance of 5 cm from the bottom.

4. After that, carefully cut all drawn holes with a knife.

5. Now you can insert spoons.

6. To hang the bottle, you need to screw the screw or screw to the bottle cap and hang it on the rope.

7. Finally, you can fill out your reservoir to bird feed.

Dispenser for seedlings with his own plastic bottles

This is a real garden that moisturizes himself, and you need to make a minimum effort. In addition, crafts of such pots are diversified by children and fresh parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme are always needed in the kitchen.


You will need:

  • Marker.
  • Durable 1-liter plastic bottles with covers.
  • Knife.
  • Scissors.
  • Means for removing labels (for example, vegetable oil).
  • The soil.
  • Saplings (they can be purchased in the vegetable departments of supermarkets).

1. Mark the line 12 cm from the bottom of the bottle.

2. Plot first with a knife hole on the marked line, and then cut the bottle in a circle with scissors.

3. Remove labels with vegetable oil.

4. Insert the top of the bottle along with the lid to the bottom base.

5. Fill out the top of the soil.

6. Secure seedlings, pressing it gently.

7. Add water to the bottom of the bottle so that the water covers the lid.

8. After which a certain amount of water is absorbed by the soil and you need to add water, following the instructions for a specific plant.

Crafts of plastic bottle

Unnecessary plastic bottles can be consolidated for the desired and comfortable foam. The proposed thing can be improved, it all depends on your imagination.


You will need:

  • Empty, washed and dried plastic bottles (in this case, 6 pieces).
  • Knife.
  • Scissors.
  • Old newspapers.
  • Paint in Bologna.
  • Clip.
  • Glue (it is necessary that he glued well plastic, but did not eat it).

1. Put the bottle on the side and carefully insert the knife blade at the base. Cut it along the bottom contour.



2. Repeat the procedure with the rest of the bottles.

3. Place all the products obtained on the old newspaper bottom up.

4. Spray the paint from the outer side of products to several layers.


5. After the bottles are dried, it's time to align the edges of the cut felt. Full strips must be a little longer than the circumference of the bottle. Evenly and thoroughly glue the material to each bottle section.


6. Wait 15-20 minutes while the glue will dry. Better until you touch the extra, the remaining felt.


7. Secure felt with paper clips for better gluing. Wait another hour, and then cut his remnants.


8. Decide where the whole design will be exactly, and glue attach all the bottles among themselves from the felt side along the edges. For a good fortress of all Penal glue, do not spare.


9. The glue must completely dry. You can fill out your pencils. All is ready!


Crafts from plastic bottles for garden

Sealed bag


1. Cut the thread on the neck of the bottle.

2. Install the polyethylene package through the neck and tighten the lid.


It seals the bag, which contributes to long storage of products.

Original Curtains Caps


Did you think you know about it all? Plastic Bottles Master Classes

These are the original curtains as interior doors will be able to decorate the house, cottage or apartment.

Just connect the lids from plastic bottles with a fishing line or thread. At the same time, the curtain pattern can only be limited to your fantasy.

Paintings do it yourself from covers

Plastic caps from bottles can be consolidated even in visual art.

Try to make such a picture, because it is even for children.


You will need:

  • Canvas (any desired size).
  • Plastic covers from under bottles.
  • Paint (acrylic) and brush.
  • Pencil.
  • Line.
  • Glue (does not dry up).
  • Assortment of jewelry, balls, mosaic or buttons.


1. Using a pencil and ruler, mark the sections on the canvas.

2. Enclose one large plastic cover in the center of each section. Next, you can glue the covers of different sizes and forms in the first.

3. Paint the entire canvas of black paint and let dry.

4. Assortment of jewelry is glued in the center of each lid and let dry.

5. Now the sections can be decorated as you like.

How to make toys from plastic bottles

Snake toys do it yourself

Make funny snakes from foam, creating not a tricky device at home!


You will need:

  • Scissors.
  • Plastic bottles with water.
  • Old towels.
  • Rubber strip.
  • Small bowl.
  • Dishwashing liquid.


1. Cut the lower part of the plastic bottle.

2. Secure the towel on the bottom of the bottle using the gum.

3. Lower the bottle towel down into a bowl with soap solution. After that, you can create snakes from tiny bubbles.

Important! It must be careful to prevent the ingress of soap fluid into the mouth and eyes.

Crocodile toy do it yourself


You will need:

  • Two half-liter plastic bottles.
  • Corks from bottles.
  • Knife.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Thin paper.
  • Tassel.
  • Paraffinated paper.
  • Eye (for example, you can use buttons).

1. Cut the bottles with knife and scissors in half, then cut one part so that height 7 cm remains.



2. Cut the edges of the bottles so that the crocodile bent.

3. Stick legs-covers to the crocodile evenly.

4. Make tight paper balls and attach them as crocodile eyes.

5. Purley the entire body with fine green paper.


6. Cut out from the paraffin paper and glue your paws, eyes and teeth. Paint your teeth in white, and nostrils and eyes in black.


Instruction: Plastic bottle Vase


1. For convenience, cut the bottle on the upper circuit.



2. Measure and evenly cut the strips around the bottle. It is more convenient to do this by cutting in half wider segments.


3. Carefully press and fold all the strips out.



4. Click on the bottle by setting it upside down onto a flat surface. This will contribute to the alignment of the edges.




5. Cancele the end of each strip for the next two. Do it so that the tip of each strip is on the spot indicated in the photo.





You can add balls and stones to produce a beautiful game of light in the sun. Since the vase will be very easy, the cargo can contribute to the correct balancing.


A warning! Such a vase will be exposed to large temperature differences. Therefore, do not leave it near the heating units, in order to prevent the sprawling of thin strips.

Large lamp in the garden from plastic bottle

The bottle is used as a light source. Such an invention is capable of a small lantern to make a lamp with a large illuminated space.


As an alternative option, you can use a bleach solution in a bottle for the best scattering of light.

Universal plastic bottle spoon

This is such a simple, but at the same time sometimes a very necessary spoon (for example, on a picnic), you can cut out of an empty plastic bottle.


Production of food containers from plastic bottles

The idea is to use two plastic bottles to make a container for storing food, such as beans, rice, noodles and sugar.


Just cut bottles of different sizes: the long will be the base, and the short lid. Pick up the size so that the lid closes easily and at the same time tight.

Watering from plastic bottles

If you have a big garden, but there is no time for the watering and there is no hunt to spend money on the new-fashioned expensive designs, we present a simple idea of ​​the sprinkler.


Just make a nail a few holes in a bottle and hermetically attach it to the hose, additionally using the tape.

How to make an organizer with your own hands

This design is ideal for waiting rooms and offices.


Cut the top of the plastic bottle and firmly attach several such bottles to the base (it can be a tree, metal or other materials).

You can also use such an organizer on the floor. To do this, it is necessary to simply link the bottles along with the help of a rope or tissue.

Plastic Bottle Boat

As a basis of such a boat, any form of wood or plastic can be taken.

First, attach the caps of the bottles with the help of screws, and then you need to simply screw the bottle to the lid.







House of plastic bottles for giving

The framework of the walls take the frame of plastic bottles, and plaster materials can be classic.




Crafts from plastic bottles (photo)











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