6 Lyfhakov for flawless eyebrows! I did not even think that myself I could achieve the salon effect ...


6 Lyfhakov for flawless eyebrows! I did not even think that myself I could achieve the salon effect ...

Eyebrow decoration for several seasons in a row is the main element of makeup. You can spend a lot of time to align the skin tone, creating a complex meicapa eye and selection of lipstick, but ...

All efforts will be in vain if your eyebrows have a non-ideal look. It is they who ask your face mood and look more expressive.

Our editorial office has prepared several Lifehakov, with the help of which you can easily achieve the salon effect without leaving home.

Perfect eyebrows

Perfect eyebrows

  1. Most importantly - consider the form and location of the eyes. After all, the eyebrows define the tone to the entire image.

    Ideal eyebrows at home

  2. We define the beginning, the highest point and end of the eyebrows. Use our scheme not to make mistakes.

    how to make perfect eyebrows without tattoo

  3. Use a special ruler if one eyebrow is very different from the other. This will help comply with the proportion. Such a ruler is easy to find and it is inexpensive.

    face eyebrows

  4. Never pull out your eyebrows on top. Fashion changed, and with frequent plump in this place they can stop growing. Use a dangerous razor for eyebrows. Do not worry, the blades are located so that you cannot harm yourself. In addition, this tool is useful for other purposes.

    Ideal eyebrows pinch

  5. When plucking, always comb your eyebrows to get rid of the torn hairs and have a clear idea of ​​form.
  6. Now start doing eyebrow makeup. Use pencil, shadow or eyeliner on 2 tones darker of their hair. And remember: do not use black, even if you are burning brunette, it's better dark brown or graphite.

    Here's how to draw eyebrows correctly! First fill in the tip of the eyebrows, and then go to the base. So you will achieve the Effect of Ombre. Brighter consilet on the skin under the eyebrow - it will make the eyebrows more expressive, and the glance will immediately become fresh.

    Form eyebrow species

Your eyebrows - perfection itself! Just remember, in leaving the main thing - regularity.

Apply oil before bed for improving the luggage and eyebrows and do not hunt blindly behind the fashion. Be unsurpassed!

Do not forget to share tips with girlfriends!

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