How to make yourself "Land Cruiser" or a little about the national tree thread


You may have heard this expression - "blew up the Internet." Perhaps it seems to you already so slaughtered that it is suitable only for sarcastic memes and is somewhere on the same level with the phrase "lay the entire minibus." But on our planet with you, a person was discovered who was really able to blow up the Internet.

How to make yourself

It happened at the turn of February and March of this year. A video that man published on his channel in Youtube, before that is not particularly popular, after a week I looked 24 million times. Can you imagine? This means that every minute of this week video was viewed on average about 2.5 thousand network users! And at the moment the movie has more than 116 million views. ->

How to make yourself

And what was this video, you ask? Be patient literally a little. The Woodworking Art author prefers not to reveal his own name (in any case, the English press is unknown): Even in an interview with one of the specialized sites, the artist said that he did not want to distract the attention of the audience from his creations. Therefore, in the videos of the master of his face you will not see. ->

How to make yourself


How to make yourself

But the purpose of its creative activity the artist declares quite unequivocally. A resident of Vietnam initially simply wanted to attract attention to traditional local arts and remodes, among whom the wood carving is included with all its solid confidence .-->

How to make yourself


How to make yourself

And that is why he began to publish on Youtube rollers on how small animal sculptures cut out, including those invented. But with the time of Doros to large-scale models of cars, which performs from girlfriend with truly stunning accuracy. And here it was His and Nastiglava Glory: now the channel has more than 1.7 million subscribers, and about new works by Vietnamese, it is not bent to tell the world automotive press. ->

It all started from the moment that the media suddenly noticed the roller of the carver about the large-scale model Toyota Land Cruiser: it was it that we meant a little earlier. In the video, the construction of a wooden cruising process is shown with delicious details - from the manufacture of a certain subframe to the manufacture of external panels and the finest decor. ->

How to make yourself

In the work of the Vietnamese joiner uses a variety of tools, from milling machines and tape saws (and something it has built himself) to dremels, knives and chisels, more similar to surgical instruments. And to simulate your creations, it will use static images and, according to him, chills many videos. ->

How to make yourself


How to make yourself

The entire process of modeling occurs mainly in the master's head. And despite this (and maybe, on the contrary, thanks to this), he managed to create amazingly realistic and detailed car models. Vietnamese joiner meticulously reproduces even internal decoration: it is especially impressive, for example, the level of study of the Ford Mustang and Toyota Hilux interiors, which are spinning the steering wheel, move the gearboxes and handbones and the armrests are lowered. Even the nuances of steady upholstery are reproduced. With similar to almost maniacal care, it is also suitable for finishing the rotor space. ->

How to make yourself


How to make yourself


How to make yourself

In the creative biography of the wizard there are already many SUVs - for example, Ford F-150 Raptor, Chevrolet Silverado and Audi Q7, as well as a little sport car (say, Bugatti Chiron and Ferrari SF1000), vintage Cadillac 1959 and even Russian limousine Aurus Senat. Where the artist is headed by his manic passion, and what he earns a living at the moments when it is not worth the workbench, it is not clear. But among the commentators as its publications in social media and articles about his work in the media, there were already many wishing to acquire a ready-made wooden car or order something concrete under themselves. I think, once awakened by the famous observer caruster on a tree from Vietnam, now is by no means. ->

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