Stand, braided from newspapers


I want to offer another master - the class of flower stands, a wicker of newspapers. Maybe someone will also come in handy. How to make tubes for weaving and build them, you can find information by typing in the search engine or here:

And what did I do with this material, I want to show in this topic. Took a cardboard box from under the printer, pasted her with wallpaper and began to weave the top of the stand:

Stand, braided from newspapers

Thus, the desired rectangle split

Stand, braided from newspapers

Put on it a box, the tips of the tubes wrapped up and adjusted them with the same tubes. The top rided the rope and secured with clothespins so that in the process of weaving they did not disintegrate.

Stand, braided from newspapers

And wept box in height.

Stand, braided from newspapers

The remaining ends are clamped and glued to the bottom of the box. We glue a cardboard or paper from above.

Stand, braided from newspapers

I turn over the box and coated with acrylic varnish 3-4 times.

Stand, braided from newspapers

And use as a colors stand. Or someone as it wanted)))

Stand, braided from newspapers

Thank you very much that you paid attention to me.

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