Basket for toys do it yourself - and not only


Basket for toys - and not only

"For a similar basket, we need:

1) Material (fabric) - it is possible to choose any, even a foolish, but a lot, meter 4 with a width of 1.5.

(But you can do and others, for example, used a terry sheet on a blue basket, 2 * 2m width and part of a duvette. For a master class I found a fleece, a very convenient material - the edges do not lame, dense, elastic and soft material! I recommend it!)

2) champs 4 pieces and specials. Device for fastening them (usually sold complete to them);

3) hammer for fastening records;

4) denim threads, scissors, needles and 2 pins;

5) patience.

Basket for toys - and not only

(The basket was made by me earlier, so the fabric differs in the photo in color.

Made detailed photos of what I will tell you about.

The manufacturing process is simple, only patience is needed)

We start to conjure))

1. Material cuts out Long stripes 10-15 cm width.

I cut an approximately 10 cm wide, and rigorously stretching the resulting strip so that the edges wrapped inside.

Basket for toys - and not only

If you want to cut all the material immediately, and you have a long one, then we cite every strip in Separate tangle , For the convenience of further weaving.

2. More Pletter Ordinary long Kosh. Of the three strips, weave tightly and at the end fix the pin so that the braid remains a tight.

Basket for toys - and not only

Harsing one long braid, to its ends sew the following tissue bands and continue weaving into a tight pigtail.

Basket for toys - and not only

For further stitching basket, too long braid (immediately from the entire material) we do not need to weave, because It can interfere with the crosslinking of the product, enough 2 meters, and the desire to change the process will definitely appear.

3. Spit done, start sew!

As our grandmothers used to sew the welded rugs from pigtails, and we.

He took a denim thread, but if not, then you can double the usual fold, for stroke strength.

We go from the center in a circle (do the bottom of the basket), stitching the edges of the pigtails.

Basket for toys - and not only

Basket for toys - and not only

On the Blue Basket DNA Diameter - 30cm.

Basket for toys - and not only

4. Slowing the bottom of the diameter you need, begin to raise the braid on sidewall.

For this, when we sew the braid, adjust the bending with your hands, just bend it to the top and sew.

It turns out a smooth transition.

Next, we make sidewalls, sewing the same braid now in height.

Of course choose the height.

On a blue basket height 27cm.

5. Now pens - the same pigtails

I made them in the chamfer, for the beauty of the product.

Reverass take such that the pigtail is tightly in it (depends on the thickness of the pigtails)

Before installing the champions, in the places of their future installation, the holes on the basket additionally flashed and secured so that the brand is not crawled.

6. Install Puverness , insert the handles-pigtails and at the ends tie them into the nodule! Hurray ready!

Basket for toys - and not only

Basket for toys - and not only

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