Beer mug do it yourself


Beer mug do it yourself

At the beginning was the word ... no. This is a real creater. I had a mug at the beginning. I personally make an assessment personally. Is it difficult to do it? Well, having access to machines is not very difficult. Let's just say it was an interesting task. It was a great pleasure to solve. But what then? Then, as usual, darkness, disappointment and emptiness. Because this mug is made of glued pine (and what was the normal billet to spoil if it took just to coat?). With real beer contact, it will not stand. Or split down, or the wall itself will crack. Nonsense, shorter, mug in operation. But threw it sorry.

Beer mug do it yourself

So the mug was languished in the workshop, keeping the drill, then cutters, then pencils. But it cope with weakly. Deep too much. Here is a photo with hand, so that you can estimate real size. And I drank beer for creative inspiration, then from half alert bank, then at all from the throat.

Beer mug do it yourself

But here - about a miracle! The colleague on the main work turned: her husband, they say, anniversary. The husband is a real colonel who has dedicated life to the protection of legitimate interests of fellow citizens and collecting beer mugs. Mugs are so much that the next should be well oh-very original. And then the puzzle in the head was formed. The mug was waiting for its o'clock. His and a lot of other trimming races.

Beer mug do it yourself

Well, I don't rise my hand to throw out a tree! And if you store all pruning to one, it is formed a plush syndrome. So you have to look for ways to launch them into business. In this case, to make Wobble, which will live in a beer mug.

Beer mug do it yourself

I sketched the outline of the future fish, carved it with electric logs. I figured the necessary thickness of the future product, and cut out two more similar blanks. After gluing (glue - joiner moment), the thickness of the future fish in the housing is planned 60 mm.

Beer mug do it yourself

Before finally glued down and clamping clamps (terribly expensive and rare tool - 100 rubles in a market day in any construction store), there are also future fins. Total in sum - the fish turned out to be slightly thicker of the decimeter.

Beer mug do it yourself

Thinking a little, added the array and on the tail. That is not a straight line, but with bend. That's more interesting.

Beer mug do it yourself

My favorite stage. We remove everything too much. In general, we usually work chainsaw. But then the scale is not that. Therefore, Bulgarian with a cord brush.

Beer mug do it yourself

Ground processing phase successfully passed. Now the tools of the fond - micro drill and hands will go into business. Immediately adjusted Wobble "On Places" to avoid misunderstandings.

Beer mug do it yourself

Draw the little things interesting. In this case, I do not really like the choice of material. Pine. Announced bright texture. Distracts. If I worked as the cutters, there would be another difficulty - dark layers are much harder than blond. This inhomogeneity greatly complicates the life of a rapid. In addition, Pine is very very much. But I have Dremel-4000. I do not care.

Beer mug do it yourself

True, here there are minuses. Dust. The face of the face is then so noble - like the "Golden Boy" after the first acquaintance with cocaine. And after all, I was already twitching before the light of God from the workshop to get out.

Beer mug do it yourself

Another trim. With himself and his appointment, I think everything is clear and without comment.

Beer mug do it yourself

When installing did not hoped for only the glue, he was inserted into the dust. So the cap sits firmly.

Beer mug do it yourself

Brought to mind and mug.

Beer mug do it yourself

Varnish. I do not like. As in snot. But here it is just the case when "Shob Glotelo" was ordered in those. In this phase, I also filled with an epoxy mug. Poured with layers, so it took several days. As a matter of thinking, this transparent amber-yellow resin must imitate beer. On the photo behind the side, it is not visible, unfortunately.

Beer mug do it yourself

I am often criticized for varnish in the comments. On the main page now some kind of copy-paste my ancient post about the repair laid out - there is a lot of such criticism. Here - I will show the coating that I like more. On the same day, a friend had a wedding. Made a wooden "postcard" with a young, in which he tried to state his understanding of the philosophy of family life: two heads, and the soul, nevertheless, alone. Fly easily, back to glue together - it is impossible. So, this product is impregnated with flax oil. For my taste - it looks calmer and better.

Beer mug do it yourself

But back to our wobble. Pruning still remained, and therefore made a stand. By the way, here a little seen epoxy.

Beer mug do it yourself

With her everything is not so simple, because it can be hiding in it.

Beer mug do it yourself

All in an adult. Cake from crocodile leather. Stand from two layers. Shield - 20-ka. The lower layer is whole, in the upper - such a garment. Accordingly, the overall thickness of the stand is 40 mm, the depth of rush is 20 mm. Do not hide much, but if in euros or diamonds - a good thing. And - yes. I hope you understand that the inscription and Monogram is also not my idea, but the wishes of the spouse of the jubilee.

Beer mug do it yourself

Do not hurt. It looks bad, but works well. Through the hole in the stand (seen in the previous photo) passes the oak wanking. His upper end enters the mug and is inclined there. I will explain for the ladies - it turns out a mug on a stick. The lower end of the wanking, passing through the stand, is crowned with such a steel washer. The washer is fixed with a slight offset from the axis of rotation. The nest under the washer is also not round, but slightly oval. Due to this, the circle has a clearly limited rotation radius. In other words, it is spinning not at 360 degrees, but only before the border of the "cache". It was possible to find an aleen. But…

Beer mug do it yourself

Of course, the bottom of the circle, as well as the bottom of the stand, is punctured by the very "crocodile skin". Mug - to slide along the stand, not scratching the lacquer. Stand - To close the socket with a washer and just for beauty. Not sfotkal, so believe in the word.

Firsting the question - why crocodile? Because it was the crocodile trimming that was available at the second master - my wife. I'm at leisure carpenter-sculptor, and she is a designer designer. Something was sewed under the "crocodile" daughter at the matinee. Trimming, too, could not throw out. But shared with joy.

Beer mug do it yourself

Well ... it came out something like that. The weight of the product is clearly more than 2 kilos (due to epoxy and material) but the real colonel should raise, because right? I requested the price round. Five thousand. Received full.

I often drink for free. On schools, despondes, parks. If you want to do a good deed, it should be completely good, right? And if you start the head of the head in a kindergarten, you drink for free, pay me only consumables, "then this is already somehow not free and not quite kindly good. Let the colonels be better paid by my kindness.

So I purchased the chains, oil, gasoline and set off Masha and three bears. But this is a completely different story.

Beer mug do it yourself

I have everything on this. Agree, if there was no beer, it would not be all this story. Yes, and in general, without beer, I would have done the posts. So - all the fun Friday, more vobble and beer mugs. The main thing is that not with epoxy, but with the right beer. Personally, I, if the time is allowed, must today are bread.

For a farewell - you will drive another one of my fish, only a little biggerness. If already on this vidos in my posts stumbled - do not judge strictly. It is very rare to work at the same time, and shoot. However, I will soon make another "movie". I think it will be a twist of this fish. All good!

Beer mug do it yourself

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