Mathematical approach to the selection of a headdress


Pictures on request Face Recognition

- I do not go hats! NO!

- How I dream of a hat! But on the mannequin beautifully, and I am in this hat ... oh!


The Internet is shot by advice on the correct selection of a head-up to the type of face, in color and other, but not always these tips help.

Let's deal with together.

Arming with a centimeter ribbon, pencil and sheet of paper.


Mereka 1. Width of the forehead.


Take a centimeter tape and measure your forehead. You need to measure the distance from the upper point of bending one eyebrows to the top point of the bend of another eyebrows.

Mereka 2. Width Skull.


Measure the distance between the cheeks in the top area of ​​the cheeks. You need to measure the distance between the protruding parts of the encoder bones (directly under the outer corners of the eyes).

Mereka 3. Line length chin.


You need to measure the distance from the tip of the chin in the direction of the Ear Uh. The end of the measured site will be in the place where there is an angular bending of the jaw. The resulting measure multiply two.

Mereka 4. Face Height.

Hat with fields

With the help of a centimeter ribbon, make a measurement center from the face of the hair growth line to the forehead to the chin tip.

After four standards were obtained, we turn to the definition of the face form.

1. Oval face.

Oval face in height is usually about one and a half times more than in width. The forehead is a bit larger chin line, and the jaw angles are rounded.

2. Round face.

Round face has the same height and width. At the same time, the chin is rounded, full cheeks, and the hair growth line on the forehead is arcuate.

3. Rectangular face.

The rectangular face is height more than in width. The forehead and the chin line are about the same. At the same time, a person with a rectangular face may have a high forehead.

4. Square face.

Square face in height is approximately equal to the width. Distance from forehead to the chin and from the cheek to the cheek are almost the same.

5. Heath-shaped face.

This form is characterized by the fact that the narrow part of the face is chin. Usually, there is a wide forehead and / or-zick bones and acute chin.

6. Triangular face.

The triangular face is characterized by a large chin line, a slightly smaller distance between the sinic bones and a small forehead. In this case, the person can have any height.

When choosing a headdress also matters the ratio of the proportions of the face. Ideally, the distance from the hair growth line to the eyebrow line is equal to the distance from the eyebrow line to the tip of the nose and is equal to the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin.

Madame Lodzo

If you are the owner of a "hat" person, that is, you have an oval face with a classical ratio, then you will be suitable for almost all hats. Choose what fits you by mood and combines with an outfit.

With a round form, it is necessary to make a little asymmetry into your image. You are perfectly suitable hats with fields, suites with a visor and baseball caps. The complete symmetry of a round face as asks for a little bit to break it. It is best to try to visually lengthen such a person so that it seems to be more thin. If you give a hat on the forehead, then a little hid face and make a greater emphasis on your image as a whole. You can move the cap of the slightly side, attach an expressive brooch and you are amazed by the result. The main thing is not to be afraid of experiments!

The holders of a rectangular face are very walking caps with fields - from wide-organized hats to small bells. Hats fields will help you balance the greater height of the face. The "Bell" hat made on the eyebrows will help you hide the high forehead and magically will create the impression of a shorter face. Refrain from the acquisition of hats with high tools, which are just stronger to lengthen your face.

If you have a square face, then experiment with round models of hats. A pronounced geometrically symmetric face form requires to soften his angularity. You will be helped by a round shape of the Tuli and hats, which will soften the sharp outlines of the square face, create the illusion of roundness and will slightly increase the face in length. Stop selection on caps with fields, cowboy hats, Hats "Homburg" models, "Bell" or "Current", which will give you a romantic feminine look. If you move the hat to the side, then you can break a little symmetry of the square face. Berets will also help lengthen and soften the contours of the face. Do not wear hats without fields or square hats. They will emphasize the angular shapes of your face.

Having core shape owners are suitable hats with medium-sized fields, including Fedor and Bell models and bell models, Channel, Homburg hats, round hats or berets. These headwear models will help balance the large width of the forehead. Refrain from the acquisition of widespread hats, which visually emphasize a wide forehead and caress your chin.

For a triangular face, many types of hats will be suitable. The triangular face is similar to oval, and in the question of the selection of suitable hats the choice is practically not limited. But refrain from the acquisition of such hats, which have the size of the Tully the distances between your zoom bones.

Do not be afraid of experiments - 5 mm for a hat can mean a lot, try different field widths, different shape, different slope. You will be surprised by the result.

I did not write about color when selecting hats. This is no longer mathematics :)

Let go of the year

I repeat stubbornly:

- Remove the hats, gentlemen,

Before you in a hat - a lady ...

Mathematical approach to the selection of a headdress

Mathematical approach to the selection of a headdress

Mathematical approach to the selection of a headdress

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