How to make aviary for dog do it yourself


The content of large dogs in the house is not the best idea, because they need space and fresh air. They are not for life in the premises, so live and uncomfortable with them. But it is also not always possible to produce a dog into the courtyard "on an ongoing basis". It is necessary to place where it can be closed for some time. Therefore, building fenced sites - enclosures.

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

What is the aviary

Wolter is a fenced platform for birds, pets and dogs. It can be covered, or maybe not. ->

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

An aviary for dogs is called building in which the animal can be kept. For large dogs, the aviary is made on the street, and with such a calculation so that it can withstand the animal pressure for a long time.

For small domestic dogs under the aviary usually understand the portable fence that allows you to limit their movement. The same enclosures, usually, are needed for both graceful puppies so that they do not differ in the house. ->

Photos of the enclosures do it yourself

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

To make an aviary with your own hands, you will need to first decide on the size. It all depends on the breed, or rather, from the dimensions of the dog. What she is more, the more spacious pon it is required for normal well-being. For shepherders, husky and other not too large dogs, there is enough chain of 6 meters per person. For the Alabaev, Caucasian shepherd, mastiffs and other large breeds need significantly more. If the pen is considered only for "locked while someone came," you can burn all the same 6 squares. Otherwise - at least 8.

We proceed from the fact that the depth of the pen is desirable not less than 2 meters. The width "emerges" from the necessary area and available free space. ->

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

Typically, the aviary is made indoor. You can leave a part of the site without a roof, so that, if you wish, the pet could warm up in the sun. Only here to leave the site without protection is not worth: either your dog will run away, or some visit. Instead of the "normal" roof, there may be a lattice of rod - light enough and surprises do not have to wait.

If the dog is carried out in the aviary and winter, it is possible to provide a winter skate or put a warmed booth. Most likely, your watchman will like the second option. They often prefer to sit on the roof of the booth, since from there an overview is better, and not all agree to the closed part - nothing can be seen. From the booth you can quickly launch your head, and from the winterman you have to run out. In general, you better know the character of your pet. The aviary is not always built, because it is so cheaper, and to be firmly, reliably and convenient for the animal.

What should be the height of the enclosure for the dog? So how to remove anyway, the height take such so that you can move inside without problems. Usually height from 180-185 cm, but depends on the growth of the owner.

If contained in the aviary, the dog is collected only by a short period of time - the arrival of neighbors, builders brigade, etc. - Make only the pen with the roof. If the animal is planned to leave for a long time for a long time, you also need a booth. It can be put inside or attach. ->

Choosing a Woller Place in the yard

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

You want to make an aviary so that your pet felt well, therefore it is necessary to take into account the character and habit. Being in the aviary, the dog will continue to watch its territory, so it is best to extinguish the plot on the hill, if so is there. It is very good if the entrance to the house is visible, entry into the site or at least you can track one of these important points. When choosing a place, keep in mind that your pet should see you at least from time to time. You or family members. Otherwise, it is boring and intake to you, especially if the dog is not used to restrictions. ->

When choosing a place, pay attention to the following points:

From the nearest structure or fence, it is better to retreat at least half a meter, otherwise Sorrow from there is not cleaned.

Wolter should not be threatened by the somewhat snow. If the roof suddenly falls a huge mass with the appropriate sound, the dog will get shock. Drive it to the aviary will be very problematic.

It is necessary to deploy the design so that the open part is facing southeast or southwest. In the northern regions, it is preferable to south. Do not do only to the north.

It is not bad if there is a massive bush or a sprawling tree nearby - they will cover the wind and heat.

It is not easy to consider all these wishes, but it depends on how well the pet will feel. ->

Design requirements and materials

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

Dogs of large breeds with good wools are small cold. If they are all the time on the street, they grows thick undercoat, which perfectly protects from the cold. It is much worse for them if they are warm, then in the cold. That for them is still bad - this is a draft. Then the thick undercoat does not save. Therefore, one of the long walls of the enclosure is necessarily sewn - one or two of the short can be closed. With such a device, at any direction of the wind, you can find the slips and the dog should not be closed in the booth. ->

What makes a frame and how to sheathe

Woller frame made from a pipe or corner. The pipe is better / easier to use a profiled - square or rectangular cross section. Wall thickness from 1.5 mm, cross-section of pipes for racks 40 * 40, for jumpers - 20 * 40. And there are looking through the mass of the dog, the size of the construction and planned materials. Corner now find a normal quality, and even even - a problem, and it will not work out to straighten it without special equipment. Therefore, it is better, after all, the pipe. Corner, if you take, then with a shelf of 4-5 cm and a thickness of 2 mm. ->

Wailer walls can be made from the simulation of the bar. But the part, addressed inside, too, must be processed (sfig)

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

As already said, at least the rear wall should be sewed, and better - two adjacent. In the regions where the wood is inexpensive, usually use a board or a t-shirt - imitation of a bar, a gender board, etc. The front side turn inside the enclosure - the offices of the dogs are very unpleasant. You can replace the boards plywood, only the moisture-resistant, polished, with a low emission class (not construction). ->


How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

Often the frame is tightened with a grid chain or a welded grid that is used in road or construction work. The chapter is very unreliable, because if the dog is striving to the will, she is not a hindrance. They very quickly understand that if you push well, it bends and saves, and if you make enough effort, it can be broken. So usually happens. ->

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

Those who are not able to break it with their mass, use cells in the grid as the steps. Very convenient, by the way. When trained, they elude very quickly. And medium and large dogs, usually, smart, so that escape in this case is only a matter of time. And if the dogs did not learn how to climb on the grid, they can be born about the welding place, sticking the edges of the grid, etc. The grille is often attacked, so that the appearance of dangerous elements is a matter of time. ->

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

If you decide to make an aviary for a dog yourself and a little more friendly with a welding machine, use a bar. Round or square - your choice. You can put the pipe of a small cross section, but it is usually more expensive. Partitions weld to the frame vertically. The installation step depends on the size of the dog so that even the thinning it does not climb, the distance should be less than the width of the chest. ->

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

If you don't like the pipes, you can make decorations on the type of cold forging. Just do not do for the dog "Steps" and tapering decorations - they can be dangerous.

And yet: Leave the gap under the roof is not worth it. Yes, it's easier to do and less the material goes, but again the dogs are smart and with great desire they will shoot this gap. And in size it is sufficient even that the big dog climb. ->


How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

When it is planned to make an aviary, a question often arises, from which the floor is to do. The optimal option - flooring from the boards, and without cracks. Slots can stuck claws, which will lead to injury. So as a flooring is best suited for a head floorboard.

To solve the problem of runoff, you can make it with a small slope - 1-2 cm per meter. Boards are better not to paint, but to handle with antiseptics and dry - you can and you need. If you want wood to be darker (dirt is less noticeable), take the oil for wood with a pigment. It absorbs into the pores, pigment and oil penetrate deeply. On the surface, the film is not formed, but the liquid and dirt are not absorbed. The then Wood is easily. Yes, the composition is not cheap, but the wood becomes much more convenient to use. Update the coating is necessary once a year, and the old removal is not necessary: ​​a fresh layer (brush or roller) is applied to a clean dry base). ->

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

Yes, in order for the floorboards in the aviary to rot and so that it was warm, the floor is best to raise over the soil level by 20 cm. In this case, the mouse and other living creatures will not settle there and the dog will be better visible even lying on the floor. In order to do not blow through the floor, you can make it insulated. From the bottom to throw the boards, you can unstored, top with a layer of foam or foamed polyurethane, and already a sex board on it. ->

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

Sometimes make a decision to make concrete floor in the aviary, but it will be very cold and winter will be cold. The problem is solved by a knocking fragments of wooden flooring. But they slide and move, which is not suitable for everyone. You can make a double floor - pour a concrete screed with a bias toward the drain, and above 10-15 cm arrange the floor. Then the problem of seepiving "fluid" will also be solved, which will be absorbed into the ground. So you can wash the floor in the aviary and the pad, getting rid of smell and dirt. ->

Waire roof can be done any, from any material. You can single-pass, with a slight tilt back, you can - two or four-tie. To rain and snow caught as far as possible, it is advisable to make sinks, that is, the roof should be more frame sizes. The minimum departure is 20 cm. If you make an aviary with your own hands with minimal cost, consider the option from a single-bedroom roof. She, by the way, may have a SCOS not only back, but also one of the parties.

Roofing material for dog aviary can be used any. But if you caress the appearance of the site, it is better if at least in color and texture it will be similar to the roofing material of the house and / or buildings. ->

Doors and constipation

How to make aviary for dog do it yourself

The framework of the door and the racks to which they are fixed, make from the same pipe that went to the carcass of the aviary. Filling is usually similar. The loops and constipation must be reliable. The door opens inside - it is easier to control the dog, and there will be less trouble. If the doors open out, the dog can lose you inadvertently. Some are so happy to see the owner that can open the doors with a person, there is only constipation to open. ->

Popps are well fixed. Our Alabai coped perfectly with the latch, if you do not omit the lock down. Jumping and pounded the paw on it until he opened the wicket. This is despite the fact that the constipation stood at an altitude of about one and a half meters and to close it / open it is necessary to press the sash well. It seems that everything you need to know to make an aviary for a dog with your own hands described. It remains only to discussion, but a dog booth is a separate topic - many nuances. ->

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