Like i am a bed master


Photographed into a file, he was not involved in the work. Tool places rusty, so photos are blurred in places.

Like i am a bed master

I wanted a bed on a summer kitchen. So I wanted that even the money was sorry. "Thinking carefully, I decided that I could cope with this business. Then I went and" ... © looked like beds look in nearby furniture stores.

Like i am a bed master

Having inspected the abstractionism, stinking with a freshly chipboard and striking the molds, I decided that I could do even worse, but it myself.

Like i am a bed master

In the neighboring town, 6 meters of timber secting 100x100, 12 meters of stick 100x50 and 9 meters of stick 70x40 were purchased. Pine, of course. I do not take another.

Like i am a bed master

And also in the non-resident city, it is quite by chance, for the floor of the price, an electrolylak was bought by the stock, which was given not the last role in the planned act. All this was immersed in Kumov Two and delivered to the workshop.

Like i am a bed master

Immediately I say, the bed did it like. I was important to the process itself and that it would not fall asleep during operation. And then there are family guests from me sometimes those chalwans. In addition, I did not think that the bed would be so easy to enjoy that when the guests will drive away, I will change the old one, tested sofa!

P.S. In the photo, the main assistant and controller in the house, without him I would have done even worse

Like i am a bed master

In short, the scheme on the scribe of some box I somehow thought how to work with the power tool - I saw somewhere, so I got an enthusiasm from the ubiquitous sparrow, I began to implement the plans to be improved, although adjusting plans and partially reworking already done.

Like i am a bed master

Sawed the boards in size, removed the chamfer mill. I stated and chose the secret (well, they are not visible in general)) holes for bolts and recesses for the connection.

Like i am a bed master

The damn jerked after the manufacturer to use the Moros Oak Morilka on the unlikely basis (and what she was lying for the third year in the workshop). She lay down unevenly, stains. I had to buy a liter of solvent, take multi-stakes and catch cartoons, abundantly wasting a rag and rubbing the details them. And it turned out! Extra scene made, the remaining - evenly distributed over the surface.

Like i am a bed master

This time I decided not to step the second time on the same rake and therefore the lacquer took the yacht, alkyd (not quick-drying). I put a cotton swab, wrapped in gauze, because I did not find the collapral for the action anywhere.

Like i am a bed master

I applied in two layers, with drying between layers (about a day) and polishing each layer in the back side of the sandpaper

Like i am a bed master

After drying, he mixed with sawdust with sawdust, flooded into the connecting holes and assembled the housing, pulling the turnkey screws, the size of 160x10 (which I, in vain, such boards took fat?). Drilling after all the holes of a smaller diameter. To accurately did not burst.

Like i am a bed master

From the thinnest sticks wrote across. It did not cover it immediately, simply processed with a ribbon grinder. And then I scored at all. And so it will go! © ©

Like i am a bed master

The mattress-orthopedist (was bought a long time for the guests, for it is easier to stretch out onto the street and dry / ventilate in the fresh air, but he stuck to buy a bed under him) it is impossible to put this rash grille, otherwise the fluffy northern beast comes to it. Therefore, three shields saw out of the remnants of the chipboard. There was no film-self-making films, so it was temporarily wounded into a password, shot brackets.

Like i am a bed master

Actually, it remained to throw everything into one pile on the summer, to lure the beer of one of the guests (I myself am not photoging into generally) and imprint the result of weekly labor.

Like i am a bed master

After the guests went away, and the lacquel stopped smelling, :) I decided to spend a complete test drive (and considering my weight - and the crash test) of the product, according to the results of which it moved into my room.

Like i am a bed master

Total: For 12000 rubles (2500 - the price of material and 8500 - the price of the mattress) I got a bed, the size of 140x200 and withstanding without squeaks and distortions the daily activity of two not the smallest people.

Like i am a bed master

Toad stayed with a nose, I'm with a bed, future guests - with an old folding sofa.

In general, everyone is happy what you wish.

All heat.

Like i am a bed master

A source

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