Our Barbie answer!


Our Barbie answer!

Something my blog had a post about terrible gothic dolls, which were more and more gained popularity in other countries, and just not so long ago I saw them on our counters. It is a pity that such wonderful examples of creativity can not be found next to them. It is clear that this is handmade, but for a sample of mass production, it would also be possible for an example.

Interview with the author of dolls Larisa Isaeva :

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Our Barbie answer!

Larisa How long have you begun to engage in the manufacture of dolls with your own hands? What prompted you to this? Did you dream in childhood to become a master-needlewoman, or an unexpected interest appeared?

Larisa: I began to practice dolls at all. In 2010, one of the winter students, switching the TV channels, saw the "Decorative Passion" program (specially found its name on the Internet). Now I will not definitely not remember that it was in that release Masteryli, but I had a desire to do something with my own hands for home and for the soul. Moreover, I didn't even think about the dolls, and even more so I did not think that I would ever seriously engage in this kind of creativity. It was an unconscious impulse of the soul.

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Our Barbie answer!

What was the "muse" for you? Do you like your first dolls? :-)

Larisa: In search of ideas, I turned to the Internet and accidentally saw the dolls of "Tilda" of the Norwegian artist Tony Finanger. At that moment, many needlewomen sewed a pupa from the fabric, but since I have never been interested in this kind of creativity, for me it was a discovery. It seemed to me that from the fabric you can sew anything, but not a doll. I remember with what delight I considered photos of cozy rooms that decorated with these wonderful creatures! With the dolls of Tilde and my passion for the textile doll began, for which I was very grateful to the author of the idea of ​​Tony Finanger, she fascinated by his work very many, and me including me. I sewed two mixed pupa, very rejoiced, what happened, and my whole family was delighted. :) I really wanted to continue to sew, but I was not interested in the third exactly the same doll, because Tilda, though cute, but they are all very similar to each other. I decided to risk and make a doll more proportional and realistic. So began my experiments that continue and so far.

My first dolls, two tilids (not kept, and embroidered them, that the Tilde had no need to be in the idea) and the following two ladies are already with a wire frame and embroidered persons. Funny, of course, non-pieces, but they are the very first experimental.

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Our Barbie answer!

Tell us a little about yourself - where are you from who by profession ... for sure it is somehow connected with the work! :-)

Larisa: I live in Yekaterinburg. By profession, I am a music teacher. The musical direction chose no coincidence. My dad was an artist of the Orchestra of the Academic Theater of the Music Comedy, and all my childhood passed behind the theater's scenes and in the orchestral pit, in the world of classical music. :) But by profession I worked hard. Little, because Quickly realized that not everyone could be a real teacher. Cranulate sincere love for music from modern children, in my opinion, can only a wizard can now. :) They are, but they are not so much! Therefore, I left the pedagogy and worked completely in another area for a long time, in a production firm for water purification, where it was engaged in computer vector graphics, drawing diagrams, equipment and much more.

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Our Barbie answer!

How much time went to develop your way of registration of the face of the doll and on improving skill? It happens that some kind of doll does not succeed? You're sewing dolls to order on ordered images, this is a very difficult task - to please the customer. Your portrait dolls is something unimaginable!

Larisa: From the moment of the start of my experiments, the year was gone before the first more or less pretty doll, which I was pleased. And, of course, it is not always possible to work in work immediately. In the work in general, failures are inevitable, and to achieve results need patience and perseverance. Master on errors learn, find new ways to solve problems, this is the development, work experience and skill. And the puppetes need experience, and in different areas, because the puppeteer is an artist, sculptor, shoemaker, tailor, designer, hairdresser and makeup artist in one person. And of course, a separate topic about portrait dolls - for me it is always a huge responsibility, because the artist's professional education I do not have, and from the fabric, similarities to sew is much more complicated than, for example, sculpt, because There are a lot of restrictions in the properties of the material itself.

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Our Barbie answer!

Tell me about your dolls, how do you create them?

Larisa: After the experience gained to create the first dolls "Tilda" on the finished patterns, I first drew my own, more proportional patterns, focusing on the proportions of the human body. I redrawing patterns several times, tried to improve them as much as possible, because After time, you inevitably look at a critical look and I want to change everything. Mobility doll gives a wire frame. So that the faces were more realistic, I began to try the embroidery and painting, using a tight. I have a detailed master class on face embroidery. Unfortunately, according to my technology, to create a relief person from the textile doll, with a nose and chin, without a seam, in the middle can not do. Seam can be made the least noticeable, but it is still there. I have long dreamed of making a person on which there will be no seams, so the last of my experiments are associated with the blade plastic. Plastic makes it possible to perform the smallest detail of people that I really like. Not so long ago, I started making combined dolls in mixed technique, i.e., faces, handles, chest - pole from plastic, and everything else - like textile dolls. Such dolls are more realistic and more movable, because In addition to the wire frame, they also have hinged compounds, like bjd dolls, but unlike bjd dolls they remain light, soft and warm.

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Our Barbie answer!

Do you sew dolls for yourself or your loved ones? In general, how do they relate to your hobby?

Larisa: My relatives, of course, support me, sometimes praise, sometimes criticize. I have a creative family, everyone has their own hobbies. The son composes music in a computer program, one of his compositions inspired me the idea of ​​creating a new doll, I hope to realize it in the near future. Husband by profession designer, he has the biggest number of different hobbies, he is my main critic, it helps me much, especially in creating complex elements that require male strength, for example, makes sledges for Christmas songs with horses.

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Our Barbie answer!

Do you spend sales exhibitions?

Larisa: There are a lot of invitations at the exhibition, but so far there is nothing to exhibit, since I do dolls under the order, and my dolls will not be a guest, going on a trip to other cities to your owners. In the future I plan and very much hope that I will manage to participate in exhibition projects.

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Our Barbie answer!

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Our Barbie answer!

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Our Barbie answer!

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Our Barbie answer!

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Our Barbie answer!

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Our Barbie answer!

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Our Barbie answer!

Our Barbie answer!

Our Barbie answer!

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Our Barbie answer!

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