Forgotten Merezhka - Beauty do it yourself


Forgotten Merezhka ... just beauty!

Forgotten Merezhka ... just beauty!

Forgotten Merezhka ... just beauty!

Forgotten Merezhka ... just beauty!

Forgotten Merezhka ... just beauty!

Forgotten Merezhka ... just beauty!

Forgotten Merezhka ... just beauty!

Forgotten Merezhka ... just beauty!

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This kind of embroidery, like a mere race, is gaining popularity today. If you want to decorate your clothes with a fashionable handwritten pattern, then this technique is exactly what you need!

Merezhka exists as much as weaving itself. Models decorated with her always look exquisitely and noble. Oshiving this method of finishing products, you can create real masterpieces of portno art.

Meryozka is embroidery through countable seams formed by the simplest lines made by fabric produced by pulling the threads.

Of the fabric, as a rule, a single amount of threads is pulled out of the linen, and the remaining threads are fixed - they are collected, tightened into bundles and columns. The number of reserved threads determines the width of the embroidery.

The pattern of drawings due to various execution techniques and selection of stitches is so wide that despite almost geometric severity, the measurement has many interesting and individual capabilities.

In addition to decorating individual parts of the product, the measurement is superbly suitable for finishing the bottom of the product and sleeves, the edges of the napkins and tablecloths, scarves and palatins.

ATTENTION: It is impossible to perform the mere race on the edge of the tissue, since the edge can give a shrinkage when washing, and the embroidery will be damaged, in addition, the thickness of the threads on the edge is greater than the thickness of the threads on the material.

Threads for embroidery must have the same thickness as the thread of the material, or be a little thinner. Sometimes it is used for embroidery.

The exact definition of the species, the amount of threads and the location of the pattern is very important. Only after the exact definition of all lines can begin to pull the threads.

Tip 1: If at the end of the measurement, the stretched threads need to be fixed, for example, on the corners, then the filaments of the tissue of the corresponding length should be left and to prevent confusing to fasten them at the ends, wrapping the beam of the threads with scotch.

After pulling out and fixing the threads in the material, the remaining threads are fixed in various (depending on the type of embroidery) by methods. Embroidery is performed from left to right. It is necessary to monitor the number of filaments fixed.

Tip 2: Work threads should always be fixed at the beginning and end of the line with several fixture stitches.

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