Healing herbal soap do it yourself


Healing herbal soap do it yourself

Just, useful and beautiful.

Healing herbal soap do it yourself


  • Children's soap - 100 g (1 piece)
  • Herbal decoction (nettle, sage, chamomile, parsley) or milk - 100 g
  • Oils - 2 ppm (1 tsp olive, 1 tsp Castor)
  • 1 tsp. Money
  • 1/2 C.L. Vitamin E.
  • 1/2 C.L. Vitamin A.
  • Essential oil (recommend vanilla or orange) - 5-7 drops

  • One lump of baby soap must be grateted. It is possible to warm it in a slower slower on the battery or in the sun so that it is better rubbed and did not crumble. Instead of a grater, you can use the kitchen processor.
  • Then pour soap crumb to milk or decoction of herbs. It is best to use milk that needs to be taken in the calculation of 1: 1 to the weight of the soap (100 g of milk will be needed at 100 g of soap). Instead of milk, you can use the decoction of the grasses suitable for your skin: chamomile or a series - for delicate, sensitive skin; Calendula, Celebre, Cherry, Oak bark - for fat and inflamed.
  • We put soap on a water bath. You can graze soap and pour it in advance - then it will be easier to melt. Soap melts from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the type of soap. If the process goes completely bad, you can add a teaspoon of honey to the melting soap. Mass can be quickly melted in the microwave - three warming up 30 seconds with thorough mixing.
  • When soap is completely melted, then a homogeneous mass without lumps, according to the consistency as sour cream.
  • Now you can add all the ingredients (except essential oils) and mix thoroughly. Then you need to remove the soap from the fire and you can add essential oils. Now it's a prematurely mix and pour over forms, pre-lubricated sunflower oil, a vaseline or oil oil that was used to prepare soap.
  • Molds for soap can serve soap boxes, plastic boxes for lunches, cups from yogurts, silicone baking molds. If the mass is frozen before it got into the form, you can slightly warm it in the water bath.
    Usually soap, cooked from the children, dries one day. Then you can get it out of the molds and use. If you have added too much milk, honey or sugar, soap and through a day can remain soft. To correct the situation, for a couple of hours, send a mold with soap into the freezer. Taking the soap from the forms, you need to decompose it for drying on paper towels. Store soap you need to be wrapped in food.

What natural dyes use to get a color?


  • Saffron
  • Flowers Romashki.
  • Calendula flowers petals
  • Curry powder


  • Sea buckthorn oil
  • Carrot
  • Pumpkin

From pink to red:

  • Moroccan red clay
  • Beet
  • Pink clay


  • Cucumber
  • Seaweed
  • Spirulina
  • Sage
  • Spinach
  • Parsley or dill dry


  • Cinnamon
  • Carnation crushed
  • Cocoa powder
  • Coffee Grains Crushed, Coffee Tight
  • Rosehip is crushed
  • Pieces of chocolate
  • Carcade
  • Lugged sugar

If you try, such a beautiful herbal soap can work out:

Healing herbal soap do it yourself

Healing herbal soap do it yourself

Healing herbal soap do it yourself

Healing herbal soap do it yourself

Healing herbal soap do it yourself

Healing herbal soap do it yourself

Healing herbal soap do it yourself

Healing herbal soap do it yourself

Healing herbal soap do it yourself

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