Magic lemon for home, for life


15 methods of unusual use of lemon in the economy. A unique tool for home in your hands.

Magic lemon for home, for life

1. Excellent painkiller

A few drops of lemon juice added to tea or simply warm water are capable of removing the head, dental pain for 20-25 minutes, as well as periodic pains in women.

2. Used to scare moth

This is a really good alternative to Naphthalene or Lavender (classic "weapons" in the fight against moth). We stick pieces of carnations (seasonings) into a whole lemon and put in a cabinet corner for several days. This will not only help in the fight against "enemies", but also significantly improve the smell.

3. Lemon helps remove warts

Forget that only Cleaner can serve as a natural agent for removing warts. If every day in the morning and in the evening, apply lemon juice on a vulnerable zone in the end, in the end, the wart will dry and disappear independently.

4. Effectively struggles with dandruff

Do not help dear shampoos against dandruff? You can forget about them. In the fight against this problem, lemon will help perfectly: every day rubbing 2 tbsp. l. Lemon juice in the scalp, keep 10 minutes, after that wash the water. After a while you can find that dandruff disappeared.

5. Enhances the action of the washing powder.

Issue juice of one lemon and add it when washing together with a washing powder. Make sure things will have a pleasant smell, and there will be no footprint on the laundry.

6. Natural antidepressant

Water with lemon juice serves as a natural antidepressant and helps to cope with stress. Do not forget to drink such a drink in the morning on an empty stomach, as well as before bedtime.

7. The best remedy against ants

Often, unwanted neighbors are aggravated in homes or apartments. Checked: these insects tolerate can not stand lemons! Issue a little lemon juice on door thresholds and window sills to scare the ants. Also effectively helps washing floors with water with lemon smell.

8. Cleans from rust

To get rid of rust on chrome and brass products, make a paste from a mixture of lemon juice and salt. Apply it to the necessary surface and a variety of warm water. See: Everything will glisten like a new one!

9. An indispensable means for nails

Place your nails in a bath with a few drops of lemon juice. It will help them become strong, eliminate the litecity, and also give natural color.

10. Improves digestion

It has long been proven that the drinking glass of water with the addition of lemon juice helps to adjust the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. If this procedure goes into a habit, you will forever forget about the disorders of the stomach and constipation.

11. Blender of clothing

Now you can forget about the digestion and expensive bleaching agents (which often do not help). Dumps underwear in a solution with a mixture of lemon juice and food soda for half an hour immediately before washing. Things will be snow-white, more than ever!

12. Natural air purifier

Why over again use chemicals, if there is a decent organic alternative? It is worth adding 3-4 h. L. Lemon juice in water - and natural air freshener is ready! A pleasant smell will soon spread to the entire room, and the air will become much cleaner.

13. Health source of oral cavity

Each time after eating, do not forget to rinse your mouth with water with lemon. It is an excellent prevention of bleeding gums, dental plates and caries. Be careful: such a rinser for the mouth can be bad on the dental enamel, so it needs to thoroughly flush with warm water.

14. Eliminates the smell in the refrigerator

If you encountered the problem of unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, do not rush to despair. Moch with lemon juice with a small sponge (piece of wool) and put in the corner of the refrigerator. The unpleasant smell will disappear within a few hours.

15. Helps stabilize blood pressure

The composition of lemon includes such an element like potassium. It helps to regulate blood pressure and prevent the diseases of the cardiovascular system. Good replacement set of tablets and droplets!

After these unique facts, you will probably look different about this citrus. This is just an incredible find for any home. Do you still use lemon only with flu and cold? Try to quickly find him some of these non-standard applications!

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