How to extend the steadiness of the perfume?


Gentle and sensual, gentlely sweet, invigorating fruit or fresh as a sea wave ... Whatever your fragrance, his sound wants to extend as long as possible. We share proven fragrance conservation methods!

Keep perfumes right

The durability of the acquired fragrance depends not only on the quality of the spirits, but also where we plan to store them. If the bottles and flasks with spicy, citrus, wood, musky and amber notes are kept in the bathroom or in any other warm and wet place, hope for the durability of the fragrance is a mistake.

Keep perfumes right

Heat, light and humidity of the room destroy the composition compiled by perfumes and worsen the quality of spirits. The perfect option for storing flavors is a dry cool place, away from sunlight, plentifully extinguished from the window.


If you have several favorite flavors, take a special stand for them. Thus, you do not have to go through the vials for a long time, all spirits will be visible as on the palm. Depending on your preferences, the stand may look like a bookshelf, music box, or a stand for a cake.

Moisturize the skin

Moisture on the skin reliably "fixes" the fragrance. Perfumes advise their customers to spray perfumes immediately after leaving the soul. And manufacturers of flavors even produce whole compositions designed to work by a common tandem. Typically, such rules include an aromatized shower gel, cream and deodorant, complementing each other. In order not to lose your individuality, you should not rub the fragrance, just apply it to the skin and enjoy sensual notes.


Use toilet water, perfume or deodorant before you take in the outfit. Some flavors leave difficult to wear spots on clothing, accessories and jewels. Therefore, create a cloud of fragrance, spray perfume up, and then go through it - a bad idea if you are already dressed.

Spray perfume

Spray perfume

If your spirits are based on alcohol, and most of the produced flavors are precisely those, they can be sprayed onto their hair. Locks should be pre-washed and dried. Spray perfume is recommended from a distance of 20-25 centimeters. Or another option - sprinkle perfumes on a massage brush or comb, and spend several times on the hair. Please note that if you often use this method, alcohol flavors can dry your hair and scalp. Therefore, more often moisturize them with cosmetic masks and natural oils.


Do not apply fragrance on strands if you use stacked means. Most foams, gels and hair varnishes have their own smell, which when mixed with spirits, can form unwanted amber.

The smell depends on the floor of a person. In most cases, women exceed men in the ability to distinguish and recognize odors. But newborns possess the greatest sensitivity to flavors. According to research, they have almost 100% smell, which, unfortunately, is reduced by 40-50% during the first year of life.

Find points of contact

These are the so-called "impulse points", where the blood vessels are located closest to the skin surface. These points are able to highlight heat, so that the flavor is constantly circulating in the air. Applying perfumes behind the urine of the ears, at the base of the neck, on the bend of elbows and knees or on the inner side of the wrists, you can be confident in a pleasant plume behind your back and the impression.


Do not spray perfume in the neckline or armpits. These zones have a sweat property, which means that the result will be unpredictable.

Use cosmetics on a cream-based

Use cosmetics on a cream-based

All cosmetics that have a cream or oily texture are ideal for conservation of flavor. That is what the beauty bloggers believe, and advise their fans before applying perfume, moisten the skin with lotion, cream or lubricate the petroleum. After that, spray perfume or toilet water.

It is believed that this simple trick will extend the resistance of the perfume, because the fragrance will not "leak" into the pores of the skin, and all the time being on its surface, pleaseing the person with his notes.


Choosing a means to "fix" perfume, prefer cosmetics without smell.

Pick the fragrance for the time of year

The fragrances represented by perfumes react differently at the time of year: the wind and calm weather, the stitching frost and piercing heat. Here the level of humidity is played here, as well as temperature regime. In the warm season, the flavors are revealed faster and weathered after a short time. And in the cold season, under the condition of low temperatures, the fragrance evaporates more slowly, and therefore its resistance is higher.


Select your fragrance for each year. In the summer, when the body requires freshness and coolness, it will come to the aid of a citrus fragrance, and in winter, warm and sweet perfumes, concentrated perfumes, are more durable.

There is a separate direction engaged in the study of the perception of odors. This is Olifactometry. According to its data, up to 1000 neurons can be at the same time to recognize some perfume compositions!

Show individuality

Show individuality

The resistance of the aroma also depends on the individual characteristics of the person. So, girlfriends may noted that the same perfumes, on the skin, one of them is holding 5 hours, while the other thanks for only 2 hours. And one more interesting feature: the flavors are revealed on the skin of different people inequal! Someone's skin is better holding wood notes, and someone longer enjoys a citrus drive, someone is perfectly suitable for vanilla, and the other is musky flavors.


Experiment! Determine the fragrance that will be persistent on your skin can be exceptionally experienced, and therefore ahead is a lot of pleasant discoveries and fragrant impressions.

Learn the properties of flavors

Sometimes to purchase a decent tool, just read the label. Some flavors are more resistant to others. So, according to experts, the first weathered fresh smells, then flower and citrus, the wood notes are evaporated slightly slower and, finally, real long-livers - oriental flavors.

It matters the form of fragrance. It is no secret that the spirits are concentrating the perfumed water, but the last, in turn, is inferior to the toilet water. But regardless of the form of the fragrance, it is necessary to store it in a tightly closed bottle, avoiding the sun's rays. In this case, the flavor of perfume will be held for 5-10 hours, perfumey water - 3-5 hours, and toilet water - about 2-3 hours.


You can, on the Council, Marilyn Monroe find its own fragrance and use it all life, and you can pick up the spirits for a celebration, mood or evening dress. In any case, you need to know: if you have a long way in perfume, olfactory receptors "refuse" to perceive them, and the fragrance you feel barely audible. But this does not mean that spirits are unstable!

Expert comment

Maria Trofimova, Perfumeumer, Perfume Stylist, Psychologist. Author and leading fragrant trainings

Maria Trofimova, Perfumeumer, Perfume Stylist, Psychologist. Author and leading fragrant trainings

Very often, coming to a perfume shop, many ask the seller the question: "Are these perfume persistent?". Fragrance resistance is one of the key criteria for its purchase. Therefore, this question would like to give several professional recommendations that will allow your aroma to live on the skin 6-10 hours.

Tip 1: Pay attention to the composition!

Today, the market of perfumes is a shot of different flavors and sometimes it is easy to get lost which fragrances are persistent, and which are not. There is a useful advice, how to choose a resistant perfume - you need to pay attention to its composition. Perfume - a complex composition, including many substances, you should pay attention to the lower notes. If they contain such ingredients like amber, musk, castorium, patchouli, jasmine, various spices, wood and leather notes - most likely it is a resistant perfume.

Tip 2: Determine, "Cold" or "Hot" skin from you.

Perfumes have such a concept as "cold" or "hot" skin. How to understand - what is yours? If you are typical of the feeling of angility, the hands are often cold even in the warm room - then definitely you have "cold" skin. "Hot" skin more often from those people from which "pyster" energy, they always have hot arms and they are often hot! "Care" of aroma with "hot" skin is much faster than with the "cold", since evaporation with the latter is happening longer! For more than a fragrance life, I would recommend using a body cream before applying to the skin - especially the "hot" leather representatives.

Tip 3: Correct the fragrance!

Proper aroma applying also extends its resistance to the skin! If you have a spray fragrance, then it should be applied from a distance of 20-30 cm on the "hot" points of our body, as if dipped into the fragrant cloud. "Hot" points are wrists, elbow bends, jugs, ears. This method of application will give the opportunity to "lie" to the aroma to the large area of ​​your skin, and this in turn will increase the duration of its sound. Do not apply fragrance on clothes, it can spoil her, especially if you use natural perfume!

An important moment, if you want to leave the flavif's aromatic track, I recommend to apply fragrance on the hair (the occipital part). In addition, on the hair, the fragrance is kept much longer!

And an important point, very often we do not hear the perfume, which we use constantly and can doubt it in its resistance. It is more worth trusting the opinion of a person close to you, whether the fragrance is heard from you. Our nose should be adapted to the familiar smell and do not hear it. Therefore, do not overdo it with applying your beloved perfume, in the hope that you will hear it! So you can cause headache and nausea among others! I wish you a fragrant mood!

Expert comment

Dr. Stefan Elinuk, Chemist, Perfume, author of books about fragrances

Dr. Stefan Elinuk, Chemist, Perfume, author of books about fragrances

Perfume - the second human skin, this is the Aura and the atmosphere, in which he should be comfortable and good. Choosing spirits can not do without mistakes, but there are 5 gold rules that will simplify the search and will help to find "their" fragrance.

  • Try to choose fragrances in the morning, inhaling at a time no more than three different compositions. No need to inhale the flavors too long, let's go rest.
  • Determine the favorite direction of perfumery, you must clearly know what fragrances you like, and which is not.
  • Exclude notes that do not fit your style, lifestyle, expectations.
  • Always inhale the fragrance from your skin, perfume sounding on the tester will not show a real picture, as perfumes will interact with the chemistry of your body.
  • Never use the spirits that you do not like, you have discomfort. There is no compromise here.
  • A source

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