Dad put 2 mattresses at the wall. That's what he did then ...


Adam works as a web developer in Vermont. He devotes all his free time to his beloved daughters. Once he decided to make them an unusual gift for Christmas. He came to mind the idea to turn a children's bedroom in a fancy house on a tree. According to his idea, this structure should consist of embedded boxes, where you can store all sorts of necessary things, a cozy corner under the bed and hammock.

This video shows 8 steps to do to make such a wonderful children's bed. Adam could not refuse himself the pleasure and the first he himself had tried the associated Hammock. It should be noted that the loving father took only three days to create this facility.

If you decide to make a similar surprise to your children, then you will definitely look at this video. Very much worth the reaction of girls when they saw their new bedroom for the first time. Their delight was not the limit. They are really "golden" dad!

If you liked Adam's deed, then Share This video with your friends. Maybe one of them wants to make a similar surprise to their children.

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