Board on how to make new year slippers for 20 minutes


In my convinced opinion, all diamonds of the world do not even cost the crumbs of what is invested by a soul in what was done with their own hands, and it is, and exclusively only for you! It was done with love and with thoughts about you. After all, while smiled), and the lips could bite) and there was still warm-hot, and gently, and close). And in our particular case, such slippers will definitely be only the only single in the whole universe and only for your grandmother, or mom, or nephew, or daughters, or mother-in-law, in one word they will have an exceptionally-one-bodied slippers in the world from you!) Another new year's nose, and there is a great reason to please your loved ones with pleasant trifle, what is done with your own hands. Well, today, I want to share with you the idea, as putting at least effort and spending the same amount of money and time, as a result, get here such cheerful name slippers that your guests and loved ones, after the solemn part, throwing off the studs, and fashionable lacquered shoes , I will be happy to find them under the Christmas tree, with no less pleasure they will wear them, and with the same pleasure will take them home, as a cute gift-memories of the New Year's evening spent in your cozy nest.

And so, we reserve money as one milk package (it is so much the material for slippers) and go to the nearest store building materials, we buy a piece of foil insulation with a thickness of 10 mm. 30cm. on 60cm. (This is enough for us on one pair of 37-40 sizes).

Having come home, we take the insole from the loved shoes and make this pattern only with the ears. From one side of the ear of 15 cm, from the other 25.

Board on how to make new year slippers in 20 minutes

We make the second detail with a mirror image.

Board on how to make new year slippers in 20 minutes

Well, now there is an ordinary needle with a thread,

Board on how to make new year slippers in 20 minutes

We bind over the top, a couple of stitches will be enough, cutting the edge as we like to beauty, we are ready for beads and slippers are ready!

Board on how to make new year slippers for 20 minutes

Slippers are obtained very warm and soft, do not slide, not moat, weightless, and most importantly, on New Year's Eve as a small pleasant present Guests what you need!

Board on how to make new year slippers in 20 minutes

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