Mastery outdoor vase


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As for me, I found a very interesting idea from Master of Hope Tkachenko. From an ordinary cardboard tube from under linoleum, she created such beautiful outdoor vases and also kindly shared their master class in their manufacture. Why I was interested in this idea, but because I always admired them in stores, but because of the high prices, they were not solved to acquire them. Of course a bouquet of live flowers in it will not put it. But some kind of original composition for always please.

This vase is bilateral, because I did not solve what kind of napkin to choose. On the one hand, my favorite poppies

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And on the other - Puancetia (it seems so). In addition, the new year will soon, and this motive will be very relevant.

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And the second vase is in Greek style (on the idea). Nothing other than the running athletes did not invent.

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Preparation of materials for the manufacture of an outdoor vase. The following materials will be needed:

• Cardboard tube (I took from linoleum)

• Cardboard from boxes

• Glue "Titan" or Termoklay

• PVA glue (I took construction in the bucket)

• Many newspapers or paper

• scissors, stationery knife, pencil

• Polymer putty (for example, the finish "Hercules")

• Small sandpaper

• Acrylic paints

• Two-step cracker

• Acrylic lacquer

Well, now, in fact, the process itself. Iber the cardboard tube (from the roll of linoleum), we scroll through the length we need (I have 65 cm). Thought over the form, I immediately inscribed the workpiece at the cardboard.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 7.

Cut out such blanks a lot is a lot. The bigger, the better. This is perhaps the most unpleasant moment in all work. I scissors rake on my hand.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 8.

We glue the pipe to the base. For the base, it is better to take the Fiberboard, and not a cardboard. But I understood it in the process.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 9.

With hot glue glue blanks around the perimeter.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 10.


Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 11.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 12.

Now we are gluing with newspaper stripes. PVA glue.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 13.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 14.

When everything is dry, failing the papier-mache mass.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 15.

Align and smoothed.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 16.

Dried a couple of days near the battery. Now I am launching a putty (I have a finishing Knauf), I add a little glue of PVA into it, and fault the vase.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 17.

After drying, I skin with a shirch. We do this procedure until the vase becomes smooth and smooth. I smeared and blew three times.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 19.

Start decorated.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 20.

Painted black paint. Well, then I put everything on the whole thing in gold.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 21.

Motive motifs stuck on this vase. Previously, of course, reloaded and covered with white acrylic.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 22.

The pattern is putty + PVA.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 23.

Found in the first-aid kit here such a tube and with his help put a putty. The acrylic paint has been finalized, in the patterns passed by bitumen, and wiped it with a rag moistened with White Spirit. Coated with four layers of acrylic varnish, with intermediate stabbing of the entire surface.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 24.

Well, here - already with a bouquet.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 25.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 26.

Bouquets, by the way, also did it myself. Witu frowned overnight in the bathroom. In the morning he wrapped it on mops. Created scotch in several places. WWI did not purify from the bark, it hurts a long and tedious occupation. Has she had two weeks. Well, the balls hit. Half of the rod covered with black lacquer acrylic, and the second half of the canopy is gold.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 27.

And these are my firstborn. Made them in summer, niece as a gift.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 28.

Here the cracker, putty, was bitumen.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 29.

I myself see how it is important to choose the right form. Here the top turned out hard. But, on errors learn! These vases really liked the birthday.

Hello! Heshe Share! This is already the second party of my outdoor VAZ, firstborn show at the end. It all started with the fact that the pipeline from Linoleum asked the construction market. Sellers were certainly surprised, asked why she gave me. The son-in-law grumbled all the way that if there were traffic cops, with pipes sticking out of the windows of the car, then these pipes would be expensive to me. But nothing worn safely to the house and I began to exercise a long-time Wishlist. Photo 30.

Here is another work.

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