Heavenly necklace with his own hands


Recently, accessories and handmade accessories are becoming increasingly popular.

I want to suggest you to create your own hands here is such an original necklace that will be an excellent addition to your image.

So, let's begin.

We will need:

- beads;

- jewelry cable or jewelry thread 0.35 mm thick;

- metal clips - Callotes;

- glass or other suitable beads;

- Connectors;

- Castle Togl;

- Small beads of 4 mm in size;

- metal hats for beads;

- Tools (round bugs, pliers, booths).

Master Class

First of all, we ride a metal clamp metal clip on the jewelry cable and produce an extreme hole of the connector.

Creating jewelry

Gently do the tip of the cable into a metal bead-clamp, making the looping in the connector.

Creating jewelry

Tighten the resulting loop, raise the clamp-kollot at a distance of about 5 mm from the connector opening. Tightly clamp the pliers, the clamp must be flattened, becoming absolutely flat and it is good to hold the cable, pull a little behind the jewelry cable, checking whether you closed it tightly. We cut off the jewelry cable, leaving about 15 cm long, where in the subsequent we will drive beads.

Master classes

We ride on the jewelry cable Blue glass beads of an oblong shape, alternating them with small metal beads of 4 mm. Antique bronze. I drove six glass beads and, accordingly, I needed seven metal beads. You can use beads of different sizes, shapes and colors - it depends on your imagination, it is only necessary that the length of the first thread with beads in the finished product turned out about 12 cm. It is necessary in order to keep the size and proportion of the necklace.

handmade decorations

bead jewelery

Bead necklace

We ride the metal clamp on the jewelry cable, we produce in the extreme hole of the second connector.

Handmade necklace

We produce a cable into the clamping-caldoor hole, tighten the cable for the tip tightly, so that there is no empty space between the beads, and they sat tightly to each other.

Master Class

After we checked whether the beads are tightly adjacent to each other, we clamp a metal bead so that it becomes flat and tightly kept the cable.


The remaining tip of the jewelry cable we felt in a few beads and cut up too much.

Jewelry do it yourself

That's what you should get.

Assembling decorations

Further, we take a rope again, we ride the clamp-kollot on it, we draw the next hole of the connector and we do everything the same.

Building jewelry

In the second row, instead of glass beads, we will use blue beads.

We ride the beads so that the thread turned out a little longer than the first with glass beads.

Assembling on the cable

We ride the beads until the thread fails a little longer than the first with glass beads, and fix on the second connector in the next hole.

Collection Necklace

Build bus

We continue to do the same, having risen the thread for the thread. In each hole of the connector, I put from 2 to 4 strands with beads. Now you will need a little patience and prettiness, as it is long enough and painstaking work. You can use one color or a few shades of beads, use different sizes and shapes, all at your desire and discretion.

As a result, you will get this base necklace.

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Go to the final stage of the assembly necklace. We must attach two more threads that will keep our necklace on the neck.

To do this, we need glass beads, small metal beads of 4 mm, hats for beads, Togl or any other lock.

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

To do this, we take a clamp-kollot, we ride it on a jewelry cable and we draw to the upper hole of the connector.

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Next, we produce the tip of the cable into a metal clamp, tighten and clamp the cable.

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

We ride on the cable with a hat for beads.

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Then we ride the beads themselves: first 12 mm, then 8 mm, alternating them with small metallic beads of 4 mm.

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Then we ride beads, I took the Czech beads of a silver shade. The length of the threads of the finished product is obtained about 17 cm, it depends on the size of the necklace you want to get in the finished product. After you drove the beads, we take one afternoon of the castle, we felt a cable with a coolness clamp and fix it.

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

A similar procedure is done with the second part of the necklace.

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Attach the thread with beads and beads to the second part of the word.

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Tightly clamp the pliers with a metal bead and cut unnecessary.

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

Finally, we completed the manufacture of the necklace. You can truly proud, we have spent quite difficult in fulfillment, time-consuming work, requiring the concentration of attention and great patience :)

We can try on and admire the result of our work done:

Heavenly necklace with his own hands

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