Bouquet of sweets as a gift: master class


Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class

To create a flower, we need:

  • candy;
  • corrugation;
  • scissors;
  • steppet;
  • Scotch;
  • Toothpicks.

Master Class

From the corrugation, cut off the strip of about 10 cm in full length. On one flower will leave one strip.

Master class in colors

This strip is cut into 6 segments of 7 cm. The seventh segment is incondition, we remove it.


Now the first strip is cut as a fringe to the scooter or for a length of 2 cm.


The remaining cut for a length of 3.5 cm.

Candy bouquet

Then twist our fringe.

Sweet gift

It turned out such strips with fringe.

Sweet bouquet

In the first strip (where the fruit 2 cm) wrap our candy as close as possible.

Bouquet of candy

Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class

Insert the toothpick or a skeleton insert the toothpick and hardly reckoning with a scotch.

Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class
Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class
Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class

And so tighten all the other five strips. It turned out such a bud.

Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class

Starty hideching tape.

Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class

Now the bud must be fluffy.

Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class
Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class

Here is our flower!

Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class
Needle aster flower with candy paper. Master Class

And so our flowers look in the bouquet.

Thanks to everyone who brought to the end of my master class!

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