We turn an empty bottle into a vase


As soon as I saw this bottle at the anniversary at the anniversary, I was brought together at once, something to create something from it. I do not know what the guests thought, seeing how I would uvan with myself ...)))) So I will proceed. There is an empty bottle - this is.

We turn an empty bottle into a vase

After washing and degreasing, I blocked it with white layers of napkins, you can a little flashes.

We turn an empty bottle into a vase

Next, painted with white acrylic paint in several layers. Overnight after drying the layer of paint sandwicked with zero. On the neck of the bottle, the screw threads also closed the napkins - twisted them into a strip, applied to the neck and abundantly wasting glue glued, it turned out such a nice rim.

We turn an empty bottle into a vase

So that the motifs from the napkins are easier to stick, covered the bottle with one layer of water varnish. The motive first presented to the bottle, outlined the contour with a pencil (light touches, because it is not erased later, and it is more difficult to paint), and then cut the motive on fragments and pasted using the file.

Well, all the pictures are glued. Now the neck and bottom of the bottle decorating the shell, gluing it on the thick layer of PVA.

We turn an empty bottle into a vase

This is how it looks at the end.

We turn an empty bottle into a vase

The space around the colors climbed several suitable shades.

In white paint, color added quite a bit so that the shades were sick.

The shell decided to paint first with gold paint, it seemed pale, added copper, so that it was a barrel.

We turn an empty bottle into a vase

The work is almost completed. The stamens on the colors diagnosed the gold circuit.

We turn an empty bottle into a vase

In completion covered the entire bottle, now the vase, several layers of glossy acrylic varnish.

We turn an empty bottle into a vase

In this photo it is better clear that Luck is glossy.

We turn an empty bottle into a vase

Now, the work is fully completed, we are no longer a faceless bottle, and the vase, which I called "Spring". I wish all inspiration crafters. Create!

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