How do we change the pipes


Day 1st

Announcement appeared on the door of the entrance:

"From tomorrow, it is planned to replace pipes in your entrance. We ask tenants for two days to be at home, or leave the keys to the neighbors. Sincerely, ZHEK "

How do we have pipes changed pipes, video, jokes, repair

In all the access apartments, the light was burned. Everyone discussed joyful news. "At last!!!".

Day 2nd

I was pleased that the next two days fall out for the weekend, so it should not be with the work. Whoever be sure to be at home. By the evening, an inscription appeared on the announcement with a ballpoint: "uv. Luxury! In order to accelerate the process, please provide access to pipes. It is necessary to dismantle the box, tile, etc. Thank you for understanding".

Well. It is necessary - it is necessary. To a deep night in the stairwell, crackle of broken boxes was heard and the metal crosses, a mixture with Matyuki. The expected joy of the planned freebier began to fade.

Day 3.

A locksmith appeared. The apartment went around the apartment of all five floors, he smashed something with a tape measure and a pen tree wrote a talker in his notebook. To the question: - "When will you start?" - Monotonously answered: - "Maybe even tomorrow ... But, no later than the appointed period." The locksmith disappeared for three days.

Day 6th

My bathroom, with a stunned decorative plastic box, who hid the fifty-year-old Tubes of the time of Khrushchev, made a pitiful spectacle. When in childhood, I blew up the homemade stall in the wardrobe - everything looked around the same way. Only instead of the cut-off doors of the cabinet and the knocked back wall - here rusty pipes were sticking out, and from the walls and the ceiling hung the courageous paint. Every time, entering the toilet, I watched this picture of early postmodernism, and cats scored on my soul on horror and experiences.

By the way, about cats ... My cat, forever bored from loneliness, until all at work, probably the only one who was glad to repair. At least some entertainment for him. So much a garbage that is unattended, so many opportunities are found, until no one sees.

There were new weekends and everyone hoped that everything would happen tomorrow and would not have to be inquisite from work. Naive.

Day 8

A group of pensioners-activists convened an universal meeting among the tenants of our entrance. Different scientific opinions were expressed about the upcoming inevitable repair and hiding in an unknown direction of a locks. Someone offered to be wanted, but as a locksmith will find - keep on the leash until everything does it. There were also radical suggestions: to saw rusty pipes themselves, and armed with them - to go to the assault of the Jeep. Dispose the boss, and at the same time the passportist, which is always absent in the workplace and the reference "on the composition of the family" is done for three days. No one became a clear case of pipes, they were afraid to stay without water at all, but they found the head of the head of the Hweak and "thanked him in a soft and affectionate form for the manifestation of the operationalness in the repair of the pipes of our house."

Phone call has affected.

Day 9

In the morning two locksmith came at once. It turns out that one who came the first time - was transferred to another site, and the new forgot to explain the plan of the upcoming work. They were not aware of what was happening at all.

Slicers took welcome, and according to the ancient Russian tradition, each apartment was offered tea with sandwiches, and what's swinging. The locksmaker's dinner was no longer standing on the legs and even a couple of times we sang on the "bis"

"To a cute visit, I went,

There is a lover found.

I said - "What * yu?"

Deployed and left!

My sweet, you are in vain

In * the house of E * Age.

I am now in the whole entrance,

SP ** Zhu ​​Pipe Speaker! "

Day 10th

Still drunken locksmith, oddly enough, appeared early in the morning. They diverged on floors, and from the apartments began to spread monotonous blows by a sledgehammer. Locked overlap between floors to release the pipes laid into cement. The tenants of the joy did not add it. Noise, dust, dirt and heaps of garbage, which tenants should now be taken on their own. In the evening, everything ended almost without sacrifices, except for the two toilets on the first and third floor, and one pakotos acrylic bath on my fifth.

Now the rusty pipes were added through holes in the floor, through which the entire decoration of the bathrooms of the usual Soviet five-story building was viewed from above.

Day 11th

Early every morning began with a timid crossing and swallowing in the toilets. Khrushchev five-story buildings have always been famous for increased sound permeability, and with the presence of through holes in the floors and ceilings of the bathrooms, the effect of the full presence has repeatedly intensified. There were, of course, and their advantages - it was possible, for example, without the "pallet" to look into the hole and watch who at the moment takes the bath. Just the dream of voyeurist. True, I was not at all interesting to me, since the grandmother's dandelion lived under me, and the lower floors were looking badly.

Most of all the hole in the floor was happy about my cat. He could sit on the edge of the "cliff" and watch the inhabitants of the lower floors. So, he learned that the cat lives on the fourth floor, and on the first - a crazy dog, who, from the abundance of smelling smells from all the floors, became the evenings to throw on a hole in the ceiling, like a wolf on the moon. Naturally, the stereo effect of this is warned, repeatedly enhanced by closed space, repeatedly brought the vane and mentally stable pensioners to the pre-infrack state.

And only hope that all this will soon end, did not allow the universal neighboring wars and stabbing.

Day 12

What would somehow create an effect of privacy, I plucked the hole in the floor with a rag. But my cat decided that this infringement of his rights, declared a hunger strike and spent the whole day in the toilet. Not only he was deprived of a spectacle, so now he had no opportunity to pashing a little. It turns out that he had a feline filler in the hole in the hole, along with his own poop, to make a little to film and provoke a dog from the first floor.

In the evening, he was still able to make colorful diversity into his life. With the cries "Yobvashchum!" He fell along with the closure on the fourth floor. Before the death was afraid of a grandmother, it came up with the local cat, dropped the Babkina to the toilet Pantalona from the hangers and snapped the curtain to the curtain, when she tried to get back up the pipes. The cat was safely returned to the apartment. The grandmother promised a new curtain. The vehicle was made in two layers on the old place.

Cat since then did not fit the hole in the floor.

Day 13th

Hooray! Repair continues. Brought new plastic pipes. Before the lunch, they were broadcast on the floors, but then it turned out that the pipes are not the "caliber", there are not enough plastic - they began to carry them back.

Day 14th

Trucks. Pipes are long, so accidentally broke the window in the entrance. Baked scotch tape. They promised to change the glass at their own expense.

Day 15th

Brought the right pipes. Listed on floors. Heated towel rails and a couple of new toilets were brought, instead of broken.

They brought another bunch of all tools, equipment, and sealed boxes with hardware, adapters and fittings. That all this is good to stole, at the time of repair, we assigned a watchman from the number of pensioners - activists. As a result, someone is a sort of screwdriver. Or maybe it was not at all. It hurts the locksmer easily experienced his loss.

Day 16th

Disconnected water in the entrance. Who managed to - that in time, who did not have time, ran to the store for bottled water. Worst things were with a toilet. It was forbidden to use it, but where to run, if anything - did not say. Such delicate things left to solve tenants on their own.

My cat is good. He always has a tray with a filler in place, and a crazy dog ​​from the first floor walks to go to the street. I can't so much, so in the morning I hurry to work, to have time to do your business there.

Day 17th, 18th and 19th

Change pipes. The process does not make sense to describe. Started and gradually started, floor behind the floor, climbed up. By the end of the second day, the old iron was successfully replaced with new plastic. Changed the broken toilets are changed, new heated towel rails are screwed. Rusty pipes are successfully commissioned in scrap metal, and the construction trash is taken to the trash.

Turn on the water !!! But, the holes between the overlaps still remained.

- Tomorrow another brigade will come, and everything will come! - promised a locksmith and spoke.

It was already possible to guess that the second brigade simply did not exist in nature, and nobody came to close holes in the apartments near the near future.

Day 30

Life is going on with her! People begin to slowly get used to the technological holes left after repair. In the toilets no longer allowed shye "whispers", but Perpali in full. Already one could even distinguish neighbors for these sounds.

- TRA-TA-TA ... - This "shoots" a grandmother from the fourth floor.

- Ba-bah! - answers her neighbor from the third floor.

- Pi-I-U-U-y ... - Ricochet gives them aunt from the second.

- U-U-U-U-Uuu - howls the dog from the first.

The common trouble comes closer. Small inconveniences fade away from the fact that in the entrance now new pipes, and pure artesian water runs on them. And holes in the floors ... So we have a rag left.

Day ... I do not remember what.

Two young guys came and all the holes were embroidered in two days. At first they poured all the construction foam, and on the second day, when the foam dried - they laid down and painted. If I knew that it was so possible - I would have done myself.


A new announcement appeared on the door of the entrance:

"Since tomorrow, it is planned to replace the batteries in your entrance. We ask tenants for two days to be at home, or leave the keys to the neighbors. Sincerely, ZHEK. "

But this is a completely different story.

Author G.U.S.

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