For small (and large) princesses: how to make a delightful crown for a matinee or photo shoot


How to make a pretty crown princess for a matinee or photo shoot

Finally, it was not the wonderful time of the year, which was eagerly waiting for many of us almost from the beginning of autumn. Especially children. After all, the few days separate them from vacation, holidays and, of course, gifts. But for parents, the season of large spending begins. In families with the kids, it starts, of course, from the matinee. And with him not comic battles: whom to dress your favorite child? Naturally, all children are different. But there is one role that all little girls want to try on behalf of themselves - to become a princess. And what princess without a crown? Forget about the terrible Chinese plastic: today we will tell how to quickly do a really beautiful decoration yourself. Babes will be delighted, and parents - enjoy beautiful photos from the holiday.

How to make a pretty crown princess for a matinee or photo shoot

About the crown dreams, probably every girl. True, in some girls this desire remains for life. Not a problem: Thanks to this simple instruction, please please the beautiful crown, you can not only your beloved daughter, but also quite an adult girlfriend. After all, being a princess, like youth, is the state of the soul.

To make a crown for holidays and photo shoots, you will need:

1. Wide lace braid (it is better to give preference to synthetic lace - it is better holding a form, and it costs much cheaper);

2. Acrylic paint (most convenient in the cylinder);

3. Transparent enamel (optional) or starch;

4. Glue for creativity mod subhead (optional);

5. Large blasts;

6. Cardboard, folded into the tube as a stand and food film or plastic bucket (for example, from ice cream);

7. Glue.

How to make a pretty crown princess for a matinee or photo shoot

So that the crown keeps the form better, process the lace starch How our moms came with collars. Then S. Make stand For the decoration, rolling the cardboard sheet into a wide tube, fixing the scotch and covering the food film. They just turn the bucket, wrap the lace around it and secure the rear pin.

How to make a pretty crown princess for a matinee or photo shoot

If you are treated with starch lace, you can not use enamel, but immediately go To painting . Working in gloves and in a well-ventilated room, spray the paint to the future crown and leave to dry for 20-30 minutes. Then ignore the pin, turn the lace with the scratched side inside, secure on the booth-bucket and paint off the inside. Leave to dry another half hour.

How to make a pretty crown princess for a matinee or photo shoot

How to make a pretty crown princess for a matinee or photo shoot

After time, gently remove the crown from the stand. Now you have two options: either leave the crown as it is now or additionally decorate it with sparkles (What girl does not like glitter)? In the first case, safely go to the next paragraph, and in the second - we are treated with a glue brace for creativity Mod ply And then, while the glue is not frozen, generously sprinkle it with a glitter. The child will surely want to join and participate in such a brilliant "starfall". When you finish with glitter, let the crown overshadow another 30-40 minutes.

How to make a pretty crown princess for a matinee or photo shoot

It's small: It remains to be crowned with scissors all roughness and extra threads if they are, trying to the crown on the princess, note the desired size and put it with glue. After leave the crown to "relax" overnight.

And in the morning - at least on the matinee, at least on the ball, even in a fairy tale!

How to make a pretty crown princess for a matinee or photo shoot

How to make a pretty crown princess for a matinee or photo shoot

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