Errors, errors and cones from those who have passed repairs - the abyss of useful!


Pictures on request repair errors

Tasks to open America did not stand. Total personal experience I have 4 months and 50 squares. Tested on its own forehead and wallet.

Intimate question was being called for a long time and interested in many. I am not writing for those who wish to glimpse, they say, Agaaaa !!! And to protect those who "in the process" at least from our robber.

Of course, sign in your own mistakes and recognize the shoals - a pleasant little. Well, I'll still tell you who needs to help. Immediately make a reservation, the quality of our masters is undoubted. What we have is the result of our wike exclusively. Much warned in advance. And we ourselves decide what they are ready to put up to close your eyes.

1. Walls and ceilings.

On the original we had wall curves, floors curves, stoves on the ceiling and height difference at 3-4.5 cm.

Delta of heights and interline seams on the ceiling.

Delta of heights and interline seams on the ceiling.

There was not a single straight corner in the apartment! On some plates there were dents of such sizes, as if in the concrete, mafiosi was rotated. Plastering all the walls we found unnecessary investment in the most expensive panel apartment not the most prestigious area. They limited themselves necessary: ​​an angle of 90 * for the kitchen head, visible by the wall along the corridor and the central wall in the living room. Those. Less where it can be seen.

You can judge the thickness of plaster, as far as the wall curves.

You can judge the thickness of plaster, as far as the wall curves.

Left: Stucco thickness in some places. Right: reinforcement of angles with an iron corner.

Left: Stucco thickness in some places. Right: reinforcement of angles with an iron corner.

About the fact that on the uneven walls of FIG. Hanging furniture, we learned when furniture began to hang. It is good that it is not so much. I had to tinker with a wardrobe, whose long and tediously regulated the doors so that they would not be traveled.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

The same problem arose when installing plinths. At first, the Ultrawood LDF Plinth was bought with a height of 13 cm. On the wall curves and the floors they did not lie down, it was impossible to glue, they simply broke off from the wall. I had to plant on a dowel-self-tapping screw, put off and paint. Those. Double cost!



High plinths, as a result, I had to hand over and buy down, 9 cm, Base 5214.

The low plinth turned out to be more flexible and allowed to glue his liquid nails.

The low plinth turned out to be more flexible and allowed to glue his liquid nails.

You can pay attention to the narrow gap between the floor and the plinth. In theory, he should fit closely, but on uneven walls and the floors to achieve this almost unreal.

As for the ceilings, we were lucky: the light foam eaves turned out to be flexible and soft, and hid all the irregularities.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

In time, we dawned on us that the Belgian or Chinese polyurethane for 360 rubles is not necessarily uninstalled for the ceiling. Cheap soft polystyrene from Lerua for 79 rubles. - Significant savings with the same appearance.

By the way, many did not advise you to take such a wide, 7x7, i.e. 10 cm in diameter. Say, bigger for our apartment. But according to the laws of optics just the opposite! A wide monophonic plinth visually raises the ceiling! It is worth keeping in mind, especially at the ceilings of 2.45 ...

An old table and chairs, while waiting for a new, round.

An old table and chairs, while waiting for a new, round.

Because of the curves of the walls, the platbands of the doors were not densely easily. On the bathroom, kitchen and room everything is OK, because There we either were placed, or erected the walls again. And inside the bedroom and the input platbands to the bottom "sag." This is not visible to guests, and we usually (this is from what angle to look!). But I know!

Visual illustration of curved walls: platbands in the air. Everyone is not visible, but we are very much!

Visual illustration of curved walls: platbands in the air. Everyone is not visible, but we are very much!

Over the entrance door passes the stove slabs. Since the wall did not align, this piece would be a real jamb. Recovered strips on wallpaper and ceiling eaves. Wallpaper mask the protrusion (it is not visible at all at all!), And on the right cornice forms a door portal as it were. Looking from the kitchen, it seems that the entrance door is highlighted as specifically. But I do not recommend to repeat such a phint, you need to smoke the wall.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

We strongly risked when we put a tile in a straight line from the door to the window. The line could easily be asleep, more precisely, go at an angle. It could especially be noticeable from the kitchen headset. But, thank God and thanks to the master, seam tile goes strictly parallel to the basement.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

With the geometry curve, the premises are usually reinsured and labeled the rhombic tiles. This increases its consumption, but reduces the risk of non-parallel straight lines.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

A clear example, why when the indoor curved is better to make a diagonal laying of the floor or carefully calculate, which angle will be hidden from the eye so that the tile lines are parallel to the walls. This piece of wall is hidden under the headcard. Visible lines on the floor are strictly straight. Thanks to the master!

2. Windows.

A year before repair, without us, the mother installed plastic windows and glazed balcony. If we then we knew that we would begin so large-scale alteration, of course, they would have done them after the walls. I would definitely not have to overpay a bunch of money for plastic slopes and a windowsill.

Well, 7 cm left, laid for a normal opening of the refrigerator (many miss this moment from the type and eventually have to either outweigh the door to an inconvenient position, or ... sawing window sills.). We have successfully settled in the gap.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

Now they would just cover the window slopes, the windowsill "covered" batteries and closed them with a decorative lattice in the color of the walls. And of course, there would be no these terrible plastic corners, with whom they had suffered during the work with the walls! They once twisted, but neither tear off or paint! It is good that they are hiding behind the curtains and they are not visible in any way.

Who came up with these nightmarish plastic corners?! I would ban under the fear of breaking the sneakers!

Who came up with these nightmarish plastic corners?! I would ban under the fear of breaking the sneakers!

3. Sockets. Electrician

The electrician plan was diluted for a couple of weeks. We went with the plug over all corners and imagined that and for what purpose we can stick there into the outlet. As a result, it turned out 52 e-mails (including ceiling lamps). Never regretted that somewhere something is missing. All outlets, including one by the curtain under the windowsill, are used. And the playful, guess why? For the New Year's tree and, sometimes, when I want to watch the TV and stroke :)))

But after all, one funny jamb has happened. Apparently, due to the fact that there was no clear understanding, which furniture will stand in the living room.

Under the TV at the desired height, the antenna and the outlet were displayed. And under the rest of the gadgets, the outlets were lowered down. Until now, I can not understand why so decided?! :)

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

When the furniture was brought and pulled it to the wall, 4 outlets were closed with couches. And the cutter did not capture the cutter. As a result, after a couple of months, the dad drilled the necessary holes, unlocking 3 of 4 outlets. The closet lives the printer connected to the Wi-Fi computer. Very comfortably. Another 2 outlets are waiting for some technique.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

I consider the location of the sockets under switches in each room. First, you know exactly where the wiring. Secondly, it is convenient for a vacuum cleaner, a fumigator and other soldiers that should be before our eyes.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

The location of the sockets close to the tabletop, in my opinion, in a hundred times aesthetically morest than in the middle of the apron. Why do they go high? Is it too lazy to calculate or have any norms?

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

Separate refrigerator, if there is no No-Frost function. Or double block on the apron: one key for diode illumination, the second for the refrigerator. Now we will do parents. I recommend to take into account!

I also advise you to immediately sign the buttons of the machine, then not to be painted with painful memories.

4. Light. I managed to avoid shoals, but some moments I would do otherwise.

First, it would put in the toilet a swivel-push dimmer. This notion can be fully appreciated only at night. Friends are worth it is very comfortable!

The light in the living room is turned on from the corridor. Convenient when swinging doors.

The light in the living room is turned on from the corridor. Convenient when swinging doors.

Because of moldings in the corridor, all switches are raised to a height of 110 cm. This is 10 cm above adopted. It is so convenient for us. Especially when the hands are engaged in a tray with tea and sweets, poke the elbow - the most.

Secondly, in the bedroom instead of the chandelier would make 2 suspensions. With aesthetic tz They are better. Practical benefit as much as the central source. Thirdly, probably insisted on the passing switch. The corridor is long, running on it to extinguish light in the kitchen is sometimes much reluctant.

Successful idea - shift the chandelier in the kitchen for 30 cm relative to the headset, taking into account the depths of the upper cabinets. Now it is visually located in the center of the "free" ceiling!

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

5. Doors. This affected the lack of experience and smelts. Since Santechkabina we left the factory, i.e. With a booine and at the level of 15 cm above the rest of the floor, we have risen and doors. In the Union put the doors of 1900 mm in the bathroom and 2000 in the rest of the room. We, without realizing, ordered all doors for 2000. Well, the platbands are naturally to them. It turned out that the doors in the bath-toilet above the rest and, as it were, "hung up" in 3-4 cm above the plinth. Cashbits do not reach the floor. After all, platbands 2 150 no one releases, but take 2300 and sprinkle - this is already "non-standard" with an indecent markup. So, if you do not shoot down the thresholds and the native cabin, carefully calculate the height of the doors!

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

As for white, it is unimportant to care. If a flap is immediately visible and, accordingly, it is immediately rubbed.

Of the right solutions - good Italian handles. Year as new, color is smooth, smooth.

By the way, not only the door. Italian has Italian on kitchen furniture. When I saw in Lerua the same 2.5 times cheaper, it was urged terribly. Well, you need! As it turned out, in vain. Good forum users explained to me that Chinese beauty soon crumble and crumbles, it is afraid of any blow and dirt. It is in the kitchen! So, probably, it really should not save on it, it would seem like a tiny point.

Ideas, shoals and cones from the first repair of Marishe. Part 1.

While he wrote, I realized that in one post, all the painless was not climbing. Therefore, there will be a continuation, as many points, unfortunately (or to joy?).

Good luck to all!

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